How is a regular day or week like at Krea University?

1 Answer

Sudip Sen Posted On - Oct 25, 2021
studies at Krea University (2022)

Krea University has such a diverse group of students. Almost everyone has distinct schedules for the day. According to some of my friends studying there, 

  • People who sleep late and wake up a few minutes before the early risers have classes to attend.
  • The classes would begin at around 8-9 AM., depending on the timetable. 
  • Each lesson would last an hour or an hour and a half, with 15-minute breaks to recharge or for snacks. 
  • The morning session concludes at 12:30 PM., and classes in the afternoon may begin at 1:45 PM or 2 PM, depending on the schedule. Usually, the classes last until 4:30 PM. 

Everyone has a varied schedule for studying and finishing assignments that are due. You will see a diverse group of people, some of whom may be wandering around campus or sitting inside the library or other establishments such as Longue till it shuts. 

Saturdays and Sundays are non-working days at Krea University, some students may sleep all day or go out and do other activities. Every day is exciting, enjoyable, surprising, intriguing, and incredible at Krea University. 



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