Is it worth joining the EEE branch in the Amrita Amritapuri Campus?

1 Answer

Sakshi Kapur Posted On - Jul 6, 2021
Studied M. Tech in Control & Instrumentation Engineering at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri

I have a friend who is an alumnus from the 2007-11 batch of the EEE branch and based on her input, I would highly recommend you to join this campus! In case you miss out on getting into NIT/IIT, trust me, you should go for Amrita as your third-best choice.

My friend had completed her B.Tech from Amrita and went to a top-notch government college for her M.Tech. It would provide you exposure like no other renowned college in the whole of Kerala. My friend and her batchmates were experts in the microcontroller program. Their expertise led them to participate in programming for FPGA.

  • The department and its faculties are highly qualified as expected. Most of the faculty members are doing their PhDs. Plus, some faculties are doing their PhDs from IITs as well.
  • Reputed conferences and journals consist of work by the institute's faculty members and students. Good funding is carried out to food projects wherein my friend's batch was one amongst them too.
  • The curriculum pattern is super flexible. A lot of spare time can be put into important projects and fast-track courses can be completed too.
  • My friend got herself the extremely prestigious student exchange program- Erasmus Mundus. She is currently doing their research for reputed companies in the country and abroad.
  • Since most of my friends and her batch-mates were offered jobs by that time, traveling to Coimbatore for that placement was not a big deal. This job opportunity came from companies like Renault, Schneider, Ericsson, etc.

Therefore, one should always consider joining Amrita for the EEE branch.



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