Should I go for DTU for mechanical or IIIT-Delhi for ECE?

1 Answer

Raktim Tarafdar Posted On - Oct 5, 2023

I have friends in both the colleges DTU and IIIT Delhi so I can give you a comparative analysis of these colleges

  • IIIT Delhi charges almost double the fees of DTU, so if you have financial constraints, DTU is a better choice.
  • IIIT Delhi has a rigorous campus life and heavy workload sparing no time for extracurricular activities. 
  • DTU students score better CG even though they are involved in many nonacademic activities. A high CG score is crucial for MS or further studies and even more so during placements.
  • IIIT Delhi has a smaller batch size so it's easier to become part of any cultural competition because of quantitatively fewer people competing for the same.
  • DTU has a bigger campus and better infrastructure than IIIT Delhi which operates from a tiny campus.
  • Except for core electronics, you can almost pursue any career as a DTU student because of the free time you have. The mechanical societies of DTU are excellent.

The choice between the two is a matter of personal goals and inclinations. 



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