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Which is the better MBBS college of Mumbai - TNMC, LTMC, Grant Medical College or RN Cooper?

Aman Jain, Posted On : November 25th, 2021
MBBS from Topiwala National Medical College and Nair Hospital (2025)

According to the reviews online, if academics are concerned LTMC is the best among all the others mentioned.

  • There is no doubt that academically LTMC is superior to the others.
  • They also have many cultural fests held over the years which are much more vibrant and provide immense exposure to the students.
  • In LTMMC the internships offered to the students are very demanding. 
  • The hospital is crowded most of the time. 
  • They have a huge patient load, which benefits some students but becomes tiring for others. 
  • If you put all your focus and hard work in these internships, you will definitely miss out on studying.
  • Even so, it is preferred by most students as you will get to learn directly from the doctor handling the cases.
  • The internship builds you as an individual making you adapt in different situations.
  • The best thing about the internship is that you get to do a lot of BM biopsies, lumbar punctures, central line insertions , forceps-suction, cup deliveries, sebaceous cyst and lipoma excisions etc.

Most of the students feel that the internships here are better in terms of clinical practice. It gives you enough knowledge and hands-on experience.

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Does ragging exist in Grant Medical College Mumbai?

Tamalika Menon, Posted On : November 25th, 2021
MBBS from Grant Medical College and Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals (2012)

Yes. Ragging was prevalent in Grant Medical College (GMC) during 2006. This declined gradually after some years in the premises of the hostels. 

This used to happen mostly in the boys' hostels and the raging involved from staying up all night, missing lectures, completing the assignments of the seniors, etc.

Mainly students in the hostels were prone to ragging. Nowadays due to stricter rules and regulations, this has decreased. Once 3-4 students were suspended when found responsible.

It is suggested that you talk to your HoD, your warden and your parents, as they will be able to guide you to take the right step after that.

Ragging is a problem which should be brought under control by strict laws and regulations. Severe punishment should also be applied to reduce such occurrences taking place in the college premises.

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Which is better: IMS BHU or Grant Medical College?

Sebanti Samaddar, Posted On : November 25th, 2021
MBBS from Grant Medical College and Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals (2023)

Both IMS BHU and Grant Medical College (GMC) are among the best medical colleges of India. As one of my friends studied in IMS BHU, I am familiar with the institute.

  • It is a lot better than GMC, as it is a central university which receives a lot of funds. This goes to the development of the institution.
  • They have well constructed laboratories with all the necessary updated facilities.
  • Their hostels are spacious. 
  • The crowd is very welcoming and accepting.
  • They have lower fees, no bond or reimbursement and also offer internal postgraduate seats.
  • Students here get the proper opportunity to do their research work.

GMC is overrated. It has average infrastructure. The most important thing that diminished its popularity is the internal politics and compulsory bond by Maharashtra government. Though they have a good location, IMS BHU tops its academics and the opportunities provided to their students.

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