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What is the list of famous case studies taught at IIM Ahmedabad?

Rajnath Posted On : February 11th, 2021
MBA from IIMA (2020)

It is tough to list cases over different subjects as there is a huge number of cases available. It is very doubtful that the same cases will remain popular always. It completely depends upon the faculty who decides to choose the cases for explaining a concept.


  • The faculty are generally suggested to use cases within the last five to ten years. This is essential for maintaining the currency of the subject. 
  • For instance, a course on e-commerce taught with a case developed in the early years of the internet will not be relatable for the students. As a lot has changed in the start-up domain. Currently, a case on Ola will make a lot more sense to the students than how the HDFC Bank introduced internet banking. 
  • For an executive program at IIM, one of my teachers chose a case on Yahoo immediately after Marissa Mayer took over and asked the students to design a strategy for Yahoo. As the conclusions in Yahoo unfolded it made a lot more sense to the students to compare their own perspective with what Meyer did.

One of my friends' field was Information Technology. Some of the cases, he studies during his diploma are as follows. 

  • ERP implementation at CISCO. 
  • E-commerce at Dell.

The cases developed by IIMA are still the Harvard cases which are more popular at IIMA. There are several cases available from Stanford, Columbia, and some Asian business schools as well.

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How do students at IIM Bangalore, IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Calcutta choose their elective courses? Is there any system?

Saloni Kaushik Posted On : September 16th, 2022
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar (2017)

For elective course selection, IIMs usually have a course bidding system. Every student receives 1000 points and has to choose 6 courses. The institutes organize a bidding day. At the scheduled time, everyone needs to login into the system and starts bidding. Each course takes a maximum of around 75 students. On average 200-300 students bid on popular courses such as Finance, Marketing, Strategy, etc. It isn’t wise to use all the bid points on one/two courses. As there are many options to choose from, students usually get a course of their preference. 

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What would you suggest to an engineering graduate who is about to join IIM Ahmedabad for its Post Graduate program in Managment?

Tezal Dahiya Posted On : September 19th, 2023

Though it is tough for an IT guy to pursue a management course. But you already have excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities that will be useful to you in the corporate sector because you are an engineering graduate. However, it's crucial to additionally concentrate on enhancing your communication and leadership abilities. I advise utilizing the numerous extracurricular activities and networking opportunities provided by IIM Ahmedabad to develop your overall business knowledge and create deep relationships with your classmates and business leaders.

 Perks of Joining IIM Ahmedabad:

  •  It is the topmost management school in India according to the NIRF report 2023. It has ranked #1 among all top management colleges in India.
  • Since 2010, the IIMB has received global accreditation from the EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). It provides certified management courses in various specializations.
  •  Additionally, students can apply for merit-based scholarships that have been created by companies and selected alumni.
  • IIMs provide 100% placement, and IIM Ahmedabad offers an average salary of INR 31 LPA in their campus placement. The highest packages are about 1 crore.
  • IIM Students can draw inspiration from outstanding leaders like Ajay Banga, who is presently the CEO of Mastercard and has also been nominated to run the World Bank. The alumni network is also quite strong.
  •  There are several prestigious employers, including PepsiCo, Nestlé, Bayer, Olam, Yes Bank, Amul, UPL, FMC, Zepto, Iff, Licious, and Udaan.
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Are girls and boys allowed to stay in each other's hostel in IIM Ahmedabad?

Rohan Jain Posted On : November 24th, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Yes, girls and boys are allowed to stay in each other’s hostel in IIM Ahmedabad. The hostels are not common but you can visit the opposite gender hostels anytime. 

This relaxation is because of group studies and assignments which require students in the same group to spend time together in a room.

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Does it make sense to drop out of IIM Bangalore for IIM Ahmedabad?

Sidhharth Jain Posted On : January 5th, 2023
M.B.A. from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Graduated 2018)

If you had a confirmed admission at both IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore, you would have been strongly advised to attend IIM Ahmedabad due to its higher international repute and more extensive alumni base.

However, you should avoid leaving IIM Bangalore just to try your luck on the waitlist, which is unlikely to see much movement at IIM Ahmedabad anyway. IIM Bangalore is a fantastic institute in its own right, and you are extremely fortunate to have been accepted.

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3 Answers

How useful was the course PGPX in IIM Ahmedabad for your career?

Nikhil Jain Posted On : November 24th, 2022
PGP-PGDM from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (Graduated 2019)

Whether the PGPX course in IIM Ahmedabad is useful for your career depends on what exactly you want to achieve from the course. It could be one of these things:

  1. Increasing your pay

  2. Switching industries 

  3. Aiming for a particular position at a particular company 

  4. gaining a holistic view of the organization

As much as this course will help you achieve the above goals, your past experience matters the most. The course can be a driving force in your career but not the main force. It will enhance your skills and personality and not change it. So it's best to keep your expectations from the course low and focus on yourself.

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Are the IIMs at Ahmedabad Bangalore and Calcutta equally good, especially regarding placements?

Prerona Datta Posted On : January 22nd, 2024

Each of these IIMs has developed its unique personality over the years, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. 

IIMB intakes people with good and relevant work experience, IIMA seeks a good academic record and a bit of humbleness in a candidate, and IIMC looks for strong analytical skills (it has the highest CAT cutoffs). 

During placements, companies that want experienced professionals prefer IIMB, IIMA is visited by companies because of its strong alumni list, and IIMC is preferred by the Banking Sector because of the perception that its students are more quantitatively oriented. 

The three of them receive almost the same companies during placements. So for a candidate seeking good career opportunities in a certain field, all three IIMs are equally good. It is just that each one has a certain image associated with its brand, and ranks accordingly in the preference lists of recruiters.

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Why is it that most non-engineers end up unplaced at IIM Ahmedabad?

Kritika Khurana Posted On : December 7th, 2022
Studied at IIM Ahmedabad

To begin with, being a non-engineer is preferable to being an engineer who pursued engineering because of the survival of the fittest. You may have some non-engineering DNA, which means you have no interest in technology or have lost interest. Understanding some technical concepts and cramming shit semester after semester will not make you a good engineer. Some companies may place you because they need to have a bench workforce. That's all. 

If you are interested in engineering, you will excel in whatever company you work for. There is no one who is not placed solely on the basis of their non-engineering background.

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How was Shikha Sharma as a student in IIM Ahmedabad?

Sudipta Ghosh Posted On : March 30th, 2021
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (2017)

Shikha Sharma was in the 1978-80 batch. Here are a few of the things that I heard about her from some of my friends at the institute. 

  • She was an introvert by nature.
  • She later got married to her batchmate, Sanjay Sharma. It is said that they started dating during their early days of PGP1. Shikha used to teach Sanjay various subjects.
  • She was outstanding at Quants and by default scored too good in all finance subjects.
  • Despite being so good at her academics, she did not get placed on day zero. After getting rejected by a number of banks, she found herself placed in ICICI.

She recollects later in life that this was because of the fact that she could never oversell herself at that time.

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What makes IIM Ahmedabad different from other top B schools?

Daksha Garg Posted On : December 21st, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Graduated 2021)

IIM Ahmedabad is distinguished by its people. People include not only students but also faculty members.

Faculty: Each class at IIM A is taught by an extremely renowned academician with extensive industry experience who shares their domain of expertise and discusses their learnings over the years. At IIM A, students have the chance to interact with them, which makes the place very unique. 

Students: Students at IIM A come from a wide range of backgrounds. Aside from conventional streams like engineers and CAs, it also has people with backgrounds in humanities, law, psychology, and medicine. You become open to new ideas and have the chance to learn from others' experiences when you are in a class with such a diverse group of students. You will come across some of the most gifted, diligent, and modest individuals here who are eager to work together and develop mutually.

The experience at IIM Ahmedabad is therefore extremely enriching due to the distinctive blending of diverse peers and professors.

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