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Which exam to opt for admission in ISB hyderabad, GMAT or GRE?

Dhwani Posted On : January 30th, 2023
Lives in Hyderabad, Telangana, India (2006-present)

Of the two entrance exams, GMAT and GRE, the former is a better option. ISB Hyderabad has recently started accepting GRE scores. This doesn’t mean that taking the GRE is a bad idea. Many business schools apart from ISB are now accepting GRE scores. The best part is that ISB won’t be converting your GRE scores to GMAT for comparison during the MBA admissions.

  • GRE is suitable for students who are considering other PG options apart from MBA like MS or MA. 
  • For someone who is sure of their career in an MBA, the GMAT is a better choice because GRE is much more dynamic. GMAT shows your commitment to MBA and thereby increases your chances of admission in comparison to GRE which shows that you are open to various options.
  • ISB Hyderabad prefers GMAT over GRE also because the former is a more quantitatively challenging exam than the latter. 
  • Certain firms may ask for your GMAT score before shortlisting you for your interview. These include the biggest firms in the corporate world like McKinsey

So from these points, we can safely conclude that GMAT is a better option for MBA students provided that you are sure of your course.

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What should be a safe GMAT score for me to get selected for ISB, Hyderabad or any IIM through GMAT?

Ajin Posted On : January 30th, 2023
Lives in Hyderabad, Telangana, India (2015-present)

My brother was a student of the ISB Young Learners Program. He claims that ISB Hyderabad takes a holistic approach while evaluating your candidature. 

Stage 1: Application form, One essay, and Application fee

Stage 2: GMAT / GRE score, Two essays & One Evaluation

Stage 3: Face-to-Face interview

The admission to this program comprises the above mentioned 3 stages designed to evaluate your 

  • academic background
  • your personal attributes
  • leadership qualities

Since your question specifically pertains to the GMAT score I will be elaborating on that part only.

Academic profile: Like any other B School ISB stresses a good academic background to ensure the candidates' ability to cope with the rigor of the program. It focuses the most on 12-class and Graduation scores.

As far as the GMAT score is concerned, the GMAT score range for ISB is 580-780. ISB considers only the highest valid GMAT score. It looks at the overall score and does not have any sectional cut-offs. The entrance test be it CAT, GMAT, or GRE are all just one of the many parameters to evaluate students. A candidate with a high score cannot with certainty get admission and similarly a candidate with a below-average score cannot certainly be eliminated. However, if you have below-average past academic records you can compensate for the same through these entrance tests.


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Masters' Union or ISB: Which is better for PGP?

Anik Ghose Posted On : June 4th, 2022
studied at Masters' Union School of Business (2021)

Masters’ Union School of Business PGP is a new and distinct program but it lives up to the hype. The program offered good learning resources and can be compared to ISB PGP. Here is a brief comparison of the two PGP programs. 

Institute  Masters’ Union ISB
Entrance test GMAT/GRE score  GMAT/GRE score 
Fees INR 20 Lakhs INR 36.30 Lakhs
Student intake  120 900 (approx) 
Average CTC  INR 29 LPA INR 27 LPA

Masters’ Union PGP course work is demanding due to its highly practical nature. You often have to go beyond the mandate for most courses. The peer group includes students from diverse backgrounds such as law, consulting, commerce, etc. 

The institute offers students a C-suite mentor during the early stages of the program. The mentor makes sure that you are staying updated with the coursework. 

Master’ Union placements for the first PGP course were excellent. Students received an average CTC of INR 3.75 LPA. Companies like EY, McKinsey, ITC, visited the campus drive. 

The institute offers fundraising assistance, legal help, and mentorships to budding entrepreneurs. The founding cohort had three start-ups. They received equity-free grants to start. 

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Who are some of the famous alumni of ISB Hyderabad?

Nillohit Gupta Posted On : January 4th, 2022
PGPM, ISB Hyderabad (2019)

A few famous ISB Hydrabad alumni are mentioned below.

  • Ankur Warikoo (MBA Class of 2006) - Founder of nearby, Former CEO of Groupon India
  • Neeraj Arora (MBA Class of 2006) - Former Chief Business Officer of Whatsapp
  • Shvetha Jaishankar (MBA Class of 2004) - Entrepreneur, Author, and Model
  • Mayank Kumar (MBA Class of 2009) - Co-founder of upGrad
  • Akash Choudhury (MBA Class of 2004) - Managing Director & Co-Promoter at Akash Educational Services Limited (AESL)
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