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I'm a fresher. I have converted FMS Delhi. Got waitlisted at C with a bleak chance. Should I retry CAT for IIM Ahmedabad/Calcutta or stick to FMS?

Drishanu Banerjee Posted On : March 9th, 2022
M.M.S. from Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education (2016)

You can stick to FMS Delhi. It is in the same league as IIM A, B, and C. 

  • FMS Delhi ranking is 6 for MBA (by Indiatoday 2021). 
  • It offers the best ROI in India. For MBA, FMS changes around INR 1.92 Lakhs. While the average CTC offered during placement 2022 was INR 32.4 LPA.
  • It offers great placement opportunities in the core finance domain. Last year around 42-45 students were recruited in the finance sector with a CTC ranging between INR 27-30 LPA.

Before you narrow down your decision, you should consider which sector you want to join, i.e. consulting/core finance/marketing, etc. Go through the placement highlights of both these institutes and see which offers better placement in the sector you are interested in. 

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What percentile should I score in CAT (GEM) to have a fair chance for IIM ABCLKIS, MDI, FMS, SPJIMR, and NITIE provided I have 95% in both 10th, 12th and 8.7 CGPA in BTech (fresher)?

Yash Arora Posted On : March 13th, 2023
M.B.A from Management Development Institute, Gurgaon (Graduated 2022)

To increase your chances of getting a call from different MBA colleges, it's important to know their criteria for selection.

  • IIM Indore focuses primarily on academic scores.
  • MDI doesn't consider academic scores but may grill candidates for low scores.
  • Bangalore looks for both academics and work experience.
  • Calcutta typically gives out calls to candidates with very high percentiles.
  • Ahmedabad looks for academic diversity.
  • SPJIMR considers your overall profile and academics.
  • Kozhikode focuses on gender diversity and requires a very high percentile score.
  • Shillong and NITIE typically call candidates with scores around 97, but NITIE has a higher cutoff for VARC.
  • For Bangalore, a fresher may need a score of around 99.8-99.9, and with work experience, a score of around 98.8 may suffice.
  • For Kozhikode, aim for a percentile score of 99.9 or above.
  • FMS typically calls candidates with a score of 99.3 but aims for a score of 99.6 to increase conversion chances.

To increase your chances of getting a call, aim for a high percentile score. 

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What percentile do you need to get into FMS, MDI and SPJIMR in the CAT? What options can one consider other than IIM? What are their CAT cutoffs?

Lokesh Kannaiyan Posted On : March 6th, 2023
Lived in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The placements at SPJIMR take place on the basis of the specialization taken by the students and the companies visit with the same intention. Broadly, the candidates are divided into 2 groups

Freshers: Apart from freshers, this category also includes those with up to 1.5 years of experience. They get offers from Marketing and Finance domains usually.

Experienced: This category comprises people with more than 1.5 years of experience. The roles most offered to them are Investment Banking and Operations.

Apart from work experience, there are many other major factors on which placements depend. For instance,

  • Quality of Work Experience and understanding of it
  • Academics
  • What have you learned in MBA
  • Extra Curricular
  • Confidence
  • Overall Personality 

At SPJIMR, the roles are distributed quite equally despite the work experience gap. Like any other B School, there are toppers as well as lowest-level students. The rest receive an average income.

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Can I get into IIMs, XLRI, FMS, SIBM, SPJIMR, IIFT, MDI? I have 70/61/77 in 10th/12th/B.Com. What CAT percentile would be required to get a call and how to improve my profile?

Pranav Siddhart Posted On : March 6th, 2023
M.B.A in Marketing, S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) (Graduated 2017)

Based on your past academic records, you are likely to get into top IIMs only with a very high CAT score. Honestly, your academic performance is average and IIMs especially give a lot of weightage to past academics. However, you can target IIM Shillong and elite Non-IIM b-schools such as FMS and MDI. 

The best part of these Non-IIM B-Schools is their less weightage given to past academics during shortlisting. They focus the most on your CAT score. So anyone with an average profile can dream of getting into these schools by preparing for CAT sincerely and acing the exam.

Institutes like XLRI and IIFT focus a lot more on the entrance exam scores (around 60%) than your past academics. The other major parameters they give relative weightage to are work experience, GD/PI, and WAT performance. So choosing a B School like FMS, MDI, IIFT, XLRI, or JBIMS is a lot better for someone with your profile.

How to improve your profile:

Past Academics are not the only determining factor during admission. In fact, many B Schools give the least weightage to it. So the question is how can someone with an average profile up their scale and improve their profile? The 3 common ways are

  • Gain some valid work experience (up to 3 years max)
  • Pursue a hobby or passion in your leisure time
  • Learn some professional skills

The CAT percentile required for some B schools you mentioned are

B School

Percentile Required

IIM Ahmedabad


IIM Calcutta


IIM Bangalore


IIM Lucknow


IIM Kozhikode


IIM Shillong


New IIMs




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What is the minimum CAT score required to get into IIM A, B, C or FMS, DU or MDI, Gurgaon?

Piyush Sharma Posted On : February 23rd, 2023
MBA from Management Development Institute, Gurgaon (2021)

The entire admission process to any college is divided into 2 broad spectrums; the initial shortlisting and the Final Selection. While it is easy to get a rough estimate of the minimum CAT score required to fetch calls from institutes like IIM ABC, FMS Delhi, and MDI Gurgaon, one cannot predict the CAT score required to get selected in the final round. This is because the final selection is done on the basis of a number of factors like CAT, Interview, academic background and overall profile. Based on my research and experience, I have tried my best to give a general overview of the CAT cutoff of these institutes individually.

IIM Ahmedabad: The minimum CAT score required for admission in IIM Ahmedabad MBA (PGP) for 2023 Admission is the 80 percentile. However, the actual CAT Cutoff for IIM Ahmedabad usually ranges between 99-100. They shortlist the top 50/100 people from different academic fields provided they clear the basic cutoff.

IIM Bangalore: The minimum cutoff for MBA Admission at IIM Bangalore is 85 percentile. However, candidates having a CAT Score of 99 percentile or more can expect a call from IIM Bangalore. They weigh in things like academic records and work-ex for giving out interview calls. So you can receive a call at a score of 95 and you can also not receive a call even at 99.99 %ile.

IIM Calcutta: Candidates must have obtained at least 85 percentile in CAT overall. IIM Calcutta gives major weightage to the CAT score and gender diversity.

FMS Delhi: FMS gives calls solely on the basis of CAT score and does not give any weightage to past academics at all. So the FMS CAT cutoff is as high as the 98 percentile.

MDI Gurgaon: MDI Gurgaon CAT Cutoff range between 93 and 95 percentile for admission 2023.

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What CAT percentile is required for FMS Delhi or the IIM I, L, or Shillong, if you are in the reservation category?

Sunil Roger Posted On : January 16th, 2023
Studied at Indian Institute of Management Shillong

There are three types of reservation categories OBC SC And ST. I have tabulated the CAT cutoff for these categories below 





FMS Delhi 

39.991 (Composite Score)

32.452 (Composite Score)

24.257 (Composite Score)

IIM Indore




IIM Lucknow 




IIM Shillong 




FMS Delhi calculates a Composite Score whereas Shillong has sectional cutoff. Your academics play a major role in calculating the composite score. Some tips for candidates from SC and ST categories are

  • Leave the questions you don’t know the answers of
  • Attempt at least 7 questions from each section accurately.
  • The questions you have a vague idea of can be written through guesswork.

If your academic record is below average, answer more questions accurately to compensate for that.

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Which company offers 66 Lakhs salary in FMS Delhi MBA placements and what was the domain profile?

Arshit Jain Posted On : January 3rd, 2023
MBA from Faculty of Management Studies, the University of Delhi

It may seem inappropriate to reveal the recruiter's name, but the company was a bulge bracket investment bank and is a regular recruiter at FMS Delhi.

It only hires from the country's Top 3 Business Schools for its coveted front-end Investment Banking position. The company only hires through the summer placement process from three Indian business schools whose Finance curriculum, practical exposure, and candidate quality meet the company's high expectations, which include a salary of INR 66 LPA.

The company typically hires candidates with Outstanding academic records from Old IITs/BITs/CAs/Top Commerce Colleges and conducts interviews that can be very challenging, especially when focusing on the candidate's business and financial intellect. Interns who can manage an 80-100 hour work week during their summer internship while consistently delivering high-quality analysis, ideas, and presentations are offered a Pre-Placement offer for their coveted Front End Investment Banking role. During the two-month summer internship, the company pays a stipend of Rs 2 lakh per month.

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How much CAT score is required to get in FMS-Delhi for an NC-OBC candidate?

Lokesh Kumar Posted On : December 31st, 2022
IIM Calcutta 2017 Batch

The cat cutoff 2022 for an NC-OBC candidate has been tabulated below


Number of seats

Number of shortlisted candidates

Composite Score





The composite score has been calculated by giving weightage of 40%,30%, and 30% to the scores of VRC, DI/LR, and QA sections respectively.

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What CAT percentile is required for FMS Delhi or the IIM I, L, or Shillong, if you are in the general category?

Aakash Agarwal Posted On : December 30th, 2022
MBA in Information Technology & Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi (Graduated 2018)

Percentile requirements are different for a call and the last convert. For some institutes like IIM Indore percentiles don’t matter much and most weightage is for board marks. While FMS focuses the most on percentile and least on board marks.

The approximate percentile for call and final coverts for the above 4 institutes are



Final Convert

IIM Indore


slightly higher than Call

IIM Lucknow 



IIM Shillong






Thr above percentiles are based on the assumption that you are a General Engineer Male (GEM). For other categories, the percentile is slightly lower.

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How many marks are required in GMAT to get into FMS Delhi for MBA programme?

Dheeraj Jain Posted On : December 30th, 2022
Works at MBAP Education

First of all, you cannot get into FMS through GMAT. Only CAT Scores are accepted by FMS for admission. 

Although for Foreign Students (FS), you can get in via GMAT. You should score at least 650

  • FS studying in India are required to write CAT and appear for the interview if shortlisted. 
  • Foreign Nationals with Indian degrees but not currently staying in India are required to submit GMAT scores (minimum score of 650
  • Foreign Nationals with foreign degrees are advised to submit GMAT and TOEFL scores.

The merit list shall be prepared on the basis of the total percentile rank and sectional percentile rank scores declared in the result of the CAT. At least a 50 percentile rank score in each section of the CAT is required by a candidate to qualify for being short-listed in Group Discussion and Interview. 

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