Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) alias UP Board has issued stricter norms for allocating exam centres for upcoming Class 10, 12 board exams of 2021. A 10-ft wide road has been considered as an effective measure for schools for impartial inspection during exams.
As per UP Board, schools having no access to main roads or roads that are at least 10 feet wide, cannot be considered for setting exam centres. The UP state government has recently approved a policy in this regard.
The policies that were earlier put in place referred to schools with access to any road to be an exam centre. As per a senior board official, a 10-feet wide road has been considered as a parameter for effective inspection of exam centres.
As per the new policy, schools having high-tension wires passing over entrance gates, administrative rooms or staff rooms will not be considered as exam centres. Additionally, schools need to have permanent power connections as well as back-up sources of power like generators to be qualified as exam centres for UP Board.
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This uniform rule will lead to conducting impartial exams, catering to surprise checking of the centres so that confidentiality of question papers are maintained.
The board makes this move at a time when exam centres are expected to go up 1.5 times since the past year. This is in view of the Coronavirus outbreak and the subsequent need to give more space around students in a centre.
As per the officials, flying squads arrive at the exam centres in their cars. However, inaccessibility to wider roads often obstructs in their path of inspection. As a result, this approach has been made to allow copying-free exams as the state government ensures to conduct.
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However, the government-run or aided schools will be exempted from this rule as issues with conducting impartial exams arise mostly for private schools. The state government issued the UP Board Exam Centre 2021 Policy on November 25, 2020.
Meanwhile, the board has already begun its verification process in several districts to allot exam centres. UP Board Secretary Divyakant Shukla asserted, District Inspectors of Schools (DIOSes) have been directed to complete their verification of running and prospective schools as exam centres and upload finalized centres’ lists on the official website by December 26, 2020.
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