UGC Directs Universities & Colleges to Refund Full Fees If Admission Gets Cancelled: Read More about this Decision

University Grants Commission (UGC) has directed all affiliated universities and colleges to refund full fees of students if cancellation of admissions or migration are requested for the 2021-22 academic session till October 31, this decision has been taken due to the financial difficulties faced due to the COVID pandemic.

As per the latest guidelines released by UGC on Saturday, the commission has made it compulsory to give a full refund for migration or admission cancellation by October 31, while not more than INR 1,000 will be deducted if the admission is cancelled by December 31. This deduction will be done for processing fee only. UGC has made this special provision only for the 2021-22 academic session; which is scheduled to start from October 1st.

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A letter was sent to the Vice Chancellor's of all universities and colleges by UGC and it stated that," In view of the hardships faced by parents and students due to lockdown and other Covid related restrictions,full fee refund should be done for all admission cancellation/ migrations upto October 31, for the 2021-22 session as a special case."

The commission has directed all its affiliated colleges and universities to follow these guidelines for fees refund and further stated that students/parents can directly report to the UGC in case their fee refund is denied by their college/university.

The academic session 2021-22 has been scheduled to start from October 1,2021 for the first year students and the commission has also told its affiliated universities to complete the 1st-year admission process by September 30,2021.The teaching-learning process will be carried out in online/offline/blended mode. 

In view of the corona situation, all events like classes and examinations should be conducted with regard to the protocols issued by the Central/State government for students-staff safety.

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