Parents of Class 9 to 12 students in Telangana have demanded the promotion of children to the next class without any examination. They added that if that was not possible, then exams should only be conducted in online mode.
The government of Telangana has not yet announced the commencement of physical classes which made the parents of students concerned regarding the future of their children.
Venkat Sainath, the Joint Secretary of Hyderabad School Parents’ stated that expecting the students to attend examinations without conducting offline classes would be of no use. Hence Sainath suggested promoting all the students to the next class including students of classes 10 and 12.
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Parents said that if the schools required to conduct examinations, then there should be at least 90 days of regular classes which will allow the students to understand basics. After that, the state could preferably conduct the examination in MCQ format.
The parents also pointed out that several schools were threatening to hold back students if they do not attend online classes. In addition, the schools were also forcefully making the parents agree to send their children for exams.
A message from a private school in Falajnuma reads, “This is to inform you that online classes are going on for classes nursery to 10th. Make sure your child attends the online classes otherwise he /she will remain in the same class. No promotion for the next class will be given in the next academic year. Attending online classes and attendance is mandatory for everyone.”
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Parents said that it would be better for the students if the Telangana state government announces how the children will be graded for this academic session. This would help improve the situation since students and the schools would then act accordingly.
A parent, A Sai Gopal, said that currently, each school is following its own rules. If the Telangana government make an announcement regarding the promotion of students for this academic session, the school would have no choice but to follow the government’s order.