Tamil Nadu Board Exam 2021: Class XII Supplementary Exams Scheduled from August 6 to 19; Check Details

Tamil Nadu Board Exam 2021: The schedule for Class XII supplementary exams has been released by DGE. Students looking forward to applying for the same can apply from July 23 to 27, 2021. The registration process has ended and 23 students have applied for the TN supplimentary exams 2021.

On Thursday, July 22, the Directorate of Government Examinations announced that the TNBHSE Class XII supplementary exam will be conducted from August 6 to 19, 2021. Students who were unsatisfied with their marks as per Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Result 2021 declared before by the authorities can apply for these exams from July 23 to 27, but they will have to do so for all subjects. 

As per an official press release of DGE, Applications will be received in all districts from 10 am - 5.45 pm on all days except July 25 at government examination service centres. 

Earlier on June 5, the state board exams were cancelled in view of the COVID situation and later on July 19. Class XII results were declared underneath a system having 50% weightage of Class X board exam marks, 20% of Class XI board exam marks, and 30% of Class XII practical and internal assessment marks.

The government had also announced that it would conduct a supplementary exam for candidates who are not satisfied with their scores along with the 39,000+ private candidates in September or October. Those candidates who have already applied will not have to apply again for the exam.

Over 8.16 lakh candidates have applied for Class XII exams this year, 77% among them scored above 400 of 600 marks. Around 5% scored above 551 of 600 marks which are nearly 15 times the results recorded the previous year. To get the latest updates regarding the examinations, students should keep a regular check on the official website of DGE, dge.tn.gov.in.

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