Shiv Nadar University Introduces 3 New Specializations in B.Sc Research Program in Chemistry from Session 2022-24; Check Details Here

New Delhi: Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR, has planned to introduce three new specializations in its existing B.Sc (Research) program in Chemistry from academic session 2022-24. 

Shiv Nadar University Introduces 3 New Specializations in B.Sc Research Program in Chemistry from Session 2022

Candidates keen on pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Shiv Nadar University, will have the option of choosing any of the three specializations, such as Chemical Biology, Computational Chemistry, and Materials Chemistry. 

These specializations in Chemistry will provide an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and experience. 

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Candidates opting for the new B.Sc Degree in any specializations will receive rigorous training in chemistry and related transferable skills, that will put them in a significant position to apply for a range of different employment sectors. 

According to Shiv Nadar University, the proposed multidisciplinary curriculum will attract a huge number of students all the while maintaining and advancing the interests of aligned students. 

The early guidance and development of specific interests among the students would help them to secure higher education prospects faster. Also, students can opt for no specializations.

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Speaking about the introduction of new specializations in Chemistry, Dr. Rupamanjari Ghosh, Vice-Chancellor, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR, said that the varsity has always aimed to provide. multidisciplinary and exploration-driven education to the students.

Since the university is focused on research and innovation, this kind of an undergraduate education platform will empower the students with the requisite skill set useful for their careers in future. Even the varsity has a number of prominent faculties in the department of Chemistry, Gosh said.

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As a part of the University’s Vision-2030 exercise, the B.Sc.(Research) program in Chemistry, was reviewed, which was designed carefully. The new specializations feature the faculty’s research strengths and the increasing demands in industry and academia. 

Gosh concluded by saying that students from all Chemistry streams, PCM (Physics-Chemistry-Mathematics) or PCB (Physics-Chemistry-Biology), enroll for Shiv Nadar University courses. Also, the electives of the programme will cater to the students' requirements and enhance their knowledge and understanding, and empower them to face the challenges worldwide. 

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Dr. Parthapratim Munshi, Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR, said that the faculty are committed to provide students more autonomy and help them in discovering their career options. 

Further, the students pursuing each concentration and specialization will be mentored by globally experienced, qualified and well-versed faculty, and will complete practicum hours in the field for immersive learning. 

The new specializations will be a highly research oriented curriculum, providing flexibility to the students to choose their direction of professional growth and orient towards academia and industries, Munshi said. 

The Bachelor’s of Science (research) degree in Chemistry program will mainly focus on students acquiring foundation and introductory modules, which will be followed by hierarchical additions of modules in a ladder-by-ladder approach conditional to student interests and individual growth. 

Students are expected to enroll for Shiv Nadar University Admission 2022 in this BSc program from the upcoming academic year 2022-23. 

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