SCERT Assam D.El.Ed PET 2020 Result Released Check Details Here

State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) Assam has announced the D.El.Ed Pre-entrance Test (PET) 2020 result. Candidates can check the Assam D.El.Ed 2020 result over the official website at

Diploma of Elementary Education is a two-year program offered by the central body to prepare the qualified candidates in becoming a teacher. Assam D.El.Ed entrance exam was conducted on October 18, 2020 in offline mode.

The D.El.Ed qualification has been made mandatory for primary teachers after the passage of the “Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill, 2017”.

Also read: D.El.Ed Admission Process

D.El.Ed PET 2020 Exam:Important Dates

Event  Dates
Online Availability of Application form March 16, 2020
Last date to submit form September 30, 2020
Availability of Admit card October 12, 2020
Exam Date October 18, 2020
Declaration of Result November 20, 2020

D.El.Ed PET 2020 Exam: How to Check Merit List Online?

Students can check the merit list by following the below steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website

Step 2: Scroll to the notice in the homepage

Step 3: Select the Merit List icon and choose D.El.Ed (PET) 2020 result

Step 4: Select the link for merit list and click on it

Step 5: Download the merit list and save it for future use

D.El.Ed PET 2020 Exam: Details Present on Merit List 

Below details are present in the merit list

  1. Candidate’s ID
  2. Full Name
  3. Subject ID
  4. Merit Points
  5. Gender
  6. Rank
  7. Category
  8. Physically Handicapped
  9. Date of merit list release

D.El.Ed PET 2020 Exam: Documents Required 

Below documents are required at the time of admission:

  1. Original and one self-attested photocopy of the H.S. Mark sheet
  2. Original and one self-attested photocopy of Caste certificate, if applicable
  3. Original and one self-attested photocopy of PWD certificate, if applicable
  4. Two passport size Photographs
  5. Original payment receipt for application and admission
  6. Original School leaving certificate
  7. Payment proof
  8. Printout of Application Form

What D.El.Ed PET 2020 After Merit List

After the merit list is released, the candidates will be called for the counselling. Candidates are required to submit the above documents for verification and the orientation program schedule will be intimated to them.

About D.El.Ed PET 2020 Exam

The qualification for D.El.Ed admission is that the aspirants ought to have fundamental merit of 10+2 or equal passed with 50% marks from a recognized board. In-service teachers are required to acquire a D.El.Ed qualification within a period of 5 years.

The application fee is INR 400 for all the candidates which is required to be paid via online mode only. The test is conducted for 2 hours where candidates have to solve 100 MCQs related to General English, Logical reasoning, General mathematics, General Science, EVS and general knowledge.