A Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) has said that around 37% of students in five states of India might not return to school post covid-19 pandemic. The NPO called Right to Education Forum made the findings in a study.
The organization conducted the survey across more than 3000 households in five states of India. These included Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Assam, and Bihar. One shocking aspect that was revealed in the study was that the uncertainty was more among boys enrolled in private schools.
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The highest uncertainty was found in students residing in Assam, where 82% of boys and 54% of girls expressed doubt about going to school. Assam was followed by Bihar with 39% boys and 37% of girls expressing uncertainty over the future.
Uttar Pradesh ranked third as nearly 31% of boys and 32% of girls expressed doubt about returning to schools. Another thing to note was the fact that 44% of the respondents who took the survey were from households whose earnings were affected by the lockdown in the pandemic.
The survey also found out many other things. As per the study carried out by the NPO, only 11% of the respondents said that they watched educational programmes on television. This was when 52% of the survey families had televisions in the house.
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Moreover, only 61% said that their syllabus was completed. On the other hand, 74% of students told in the survey that no exams were conducted during the lockdown. The survey also found out that 11% of the families said that they received no cash transfers while 67% stated that they received no support from the educational department.
The study also found the gender inequality that came into play during the pandemic. Of the families that were surveyed 71% of the males had access to mobile phones. On the other hand, only 30% of girls had access to a phone while 18% said that they had no access at all.
Girls also spent more time in housework with 71% of the girls being involved in domestic chores. Only 60% of the girls found time for leisure activities compared to 79% of boys.
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