RBSE Class 10: The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education Ajmer will be releasing the link to download RBSE class 10 admit card on the official website rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in. Students need to enter their enrollment number and date of birth to download the RBSE 10th admit card 2021.
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan plans to conduct the RBSE class 10 board exams from the second week of April 2021. The board will be releasing the direct link to download the admit card for appearing on the boards exam.
The Board will also release the RBSE 10th Class Hall Ticket 2021 for schools in Ajmer city. Students will be able to download the RBSE 10th admit card using their user ID and Password on the official website.
Also read: Rajasthan Board Syllabus Revised, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Marking Scheme, Preparation Tips
As per the RBSE Class 10 exam pattern, candidates need to complete their exam in a duration of 3 hours and 15 minutes where they need to solve the 80 marks question paper. Students need to secure a minimum 30% to pass the exams.
Also read: Rajasthan Schools: 48% Syllabus Reduced for Primary Classes; Read Details Here
RBSE 10th Admit Card: How to Download?
Students can follow the below steps to download the RBSE class 10 admit card:
Step 1: Visit the official website rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in
Step 2: Click on the link for “ RBSE 2021 Boards Exam Admit card” in the homepage
Step 3: The browser will take you to the online portal, enter your Enrollment number and date of birth when prompted
Step 4: Once you submit the details, the pdf will open
Step 5: Check your details and download the admit card
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