RBSE 10th 12th Board Exams 2021: Rajasthan Board to Conduct Offline Exams from August 12

The Rajasthan board has officially announced that the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Exam, (RBSE) 10th 12th Board Exams 2021, will be conducted on Augustus 12, 2021 through the offline mode. 

Students who are going to appear for the optional RBSE Class 10th and 12th exams 2021 will be able to download their respective RBSE admit cards from August 7, 2021 onwards. Students appearing for the optional can check the latest details on the RBSE class 10th and 12th exams 2021 by visiting the official website of RBSE @rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in. 

It was notified that this year, more than 20 lakh students have registered for the Rajasthan Board class 10, class 12 examinations. Owing to the ongoing pandemic covid-19, the Rajasthan government canceled its class 10, 12 board exam 2021 on June 2, 2021. The Rajasthan government took this decision due to the fear of the possibility of the outbreak of the third wave of COVID-19 and keeping in mind the well-being and safety of the students.

RBSE Exams 2021 Evaluation Criteria 

Considering the decision, the Rajasthan State government adopted an internal assessment formula. It was notified that the pass percentage for the Rajasthan Board Class 12 Exam 2021 was 99.97%. Similarly, the pass percentage for Rajasthan Board class 10 Exam 2021 was 99.56%.

Majority of the students are extremely happy with the marks secured in Rajasthan board class 10th and 12th exam 2021, while the 93 students have expressed their disappointments about their RBSE results. Out of which, 53 students are from Rajasthan class 10 exam, the remaining 40 students are from class 12. However, now the students can give the optional examination along with the private candidates. 

RBSE Admit Card 2021 

Rajasthan Board 10th 12th Board Exam 2021

Events  Date  Time 
Rajasthan Board Class 10th Schedule for Optional Exam August 12, 2021, to August 20, 2021 8:30 am to 11:45 am
Rajasthan Board Class 12th Schedule for Optional Exam August 12, 2021, to August 25, 2021 1:45 pm to 5 pm 

Candidates should make a note that those who are not satisfied with the RBSE exam 2021, will get new results after sitting for the optional exam. The old RBSE result received by the RBSE board for these students will remain canceled. 

Rajasthan Board 10th 12th Exam 2021: Important Instructions

  • It is mandatory for the candidates to write their roll number at the designated place of the question paper. 
  • Candidates should not write their names on the answer sheet. At the end of the answer sheet, they should cut the blank pages with a diagonal line.
  • Candidates cannot carry devices like mobile phones or calculators to the exam hall.

Rajasthan Board class 10 optional Exam, first paper for August 12, 2021, is Sanskrit and it ends with Science. While the first paper for the Rajasthan Board class 12 optional exam 2021, is Compulsory English and the last paper is Physical Education. Candidates should note that the RBSE optional exam 2021 will be conducted at the respective district headquarters. Exams for vocational subjects such as Varisht Upadhaya will also be conducted.

Candidates appearing for the optional exams should strictly follow the COVID-19 guidelines as issued by the state government. Students will be expected to maintain social distancing, wear masks and other necessary COVID-19 protocols will be followed. 
