Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh Planning for a Semester Online

Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, has decided to commence the next semester in online mode. The Senate has approved online teaching for the next semester after consulting with all the faculty members in a virtual meeting and discussions on June 16.

Punjab Engineering College has scheduled the semester from July which will have classes, mid-semester, and end-semester exams online.

The faculty members of PEC will be trained in online teaching. “Since our faculty members will be delivering online education for the first time, we wanted to make sure that they have enough time to learn new techniques and conduct the course at the same time”, said Prof Sanghi.

The institute has decided that classes will be held either through recorded lectures or live steam sessions. However, doubt-clearing live sessions will be held for the recorded lectures. Moreover, the institute has also decided to offer fewer courses than usual this semester.

Courses with low registration will likely be offered using the “online - external model” in which only exams will be conducted by PEC and students will be allowed to register for the course on SWAYAM, Coursera, edX, and Harappa.

For lab practicals, virtual lab sites and holding online classes could be a possibility. However, the director also suggests conducting lab sessions at the institute in shifts.
