PSSOU Pre B.Ed, D.El.Ed Counselling 2020: Registration Deadline Extended till Dec 7; Details Here

Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur (PSSOU) has extended the registration deadline for online counselling for Pre B.Ed and D.El.Ed admissions till December 7, 2020. This year, B.Ed and D.El.Ed Entrance Exam has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic across the country. 

Once the PSSOU online counselling registration is complete, the selection list would be released. The candidate would then have to verify documents and challan updates. The process will be conducted at the prescribed study centres. 

Read: PSSOU Admission 2020

PSSOU Pre B.Ed & D.El.Ed 2020: Highlights

Exam Name

Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Open University Diploma in Elementary in Education

Conducting body

Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Open University

Exam Type

UG Level

Exam Level

State Level

Official Website

Read: Pandit Sundarlal Open University (PSSOU) Result 2020: Revaluation, Notification, Cut Off

The allotment of seats will be made to the candidate only based on the candidate’s counselling registration data and the uploaded certificate. If a candidate provides the wrong information while filling the form, the university would not be responsible.

PSSOU Pre B.Ed & D.El.Ed Counselling: Important Dates


Revised Dates

Online Registration and Choice-filling for Centre

October 13-December 7, 2020

Allocation of Seats

November 11, 2020

Document Verification

November 17- November 27, 2020

In case of the vacant seat, Release of the Second counselling details 

December 3, 2020

Document verification

December 04-December 12, 2020

In case of the vacant seat, Release of the 3rd counselling details

December 15, 2020

Read: Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Open University (PSSOU) Courses and Fees

PSSOU Pre B.Ed & D.El.Ed Counselling 2020: How to Register

  • Visit the official website of Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Open University:
  • On the homepage, open the link and fill up the registration form to partake in the counselling round.
  • Opt for the preference along with their options desired and get the choices filled in the counselling round.
  • Download the seat allowance letter from the official website for future references.

Check Official Notice:

PSSOU Pre B.Ed Counselling 2020 Click Here
PSSOU D.El.Ed Counselling 2020 Click Here
