PMB Karnataka 2020: Paramedical Examination Results Declared; Read Full News Here

Paramedical Examination Result has been declared by the Paramedical Board (PMB) Karnataka on its official website Get Direct Link Here 

The PMB has conducted the annual paramedical examination in November 2020. Candidates who have appeared for the examination could check the result from the official website of PMB Karnataka by entering their registration number.

Paramedical Examination 2020: How to Check Results?

Candidates could follow the procedures mentioned in the section given below to check the results of the paramedical examination conducted in November 2020.

Step 1: Visit the official website of PMB Karnataka -

Step 2: Click on the ‘PMB Result 2020’ link on the homepage

Step 3: Enter the registration number and password and login to the portal

Step 4: PMB Result 2020 will be displayed on the screen

Step 5: Download and take a printout for future reference.

Direct Link to Check PMB Result 2020 (due to technical issues, the official website is down)

Paramedical Examination 2020: Marking Criteria

Candidates who have secured 40% marks in aggregate including the theory, practical and internal assessment will be declared as pass.

Candidates who have secured marks more than 60% in aggregate to be considered passed in first-class and candidates who have secured marks more than 50% and less than 60% in aggregate will be considered to be passed in second class.

There is no option for revaluation of answer scripts but candidates could apply for re totalling of answer scripts if required. 

To apply for re-totalling, candidates should submit the re-totalling form to the official website and pay a non-refundable fee of INR 200 per subject. The fee should be paid in form of a Demand Draft drawn in favor of “The Chairman, Para-Medical Board”.

Direct Link to Check PMB Revaluation Result 2020 (due to technical issues, the official website is down)

Paramedical Examination 2020

Paramedical Examination is conducted by the PBM Karnataka twice a year in the name of annual examination and supplementary examination.

For each course, the paramedical board Karnataka conducts written, practical, and viva examinations.

Also Read: Top Paramedical Colleges in Karnataka