Odisha Scholarship 2021: Check Scholarship Schemes, Last Date, Eligibility, Application Form

The government of Odisha provides various scholarship opportunities to the students of that particular state based on different categories and eligibility criteria. It provides 21 scholarship schemes of majorly 6 departments of the Government.

The State Government provides scholarships to the students of College, School, and Student with any disability, Girl Child, and Poverty Stipend. Students of PG, UG, class 9 -10, Class 6-8, class 10-11, Class 3 - 4, Class 5-6 can take advantage of these scholarship schemes.

The last date to apply for the e-Medhabruti PG Merit Scholarship is June ’30 2021 for General category and SC category students. The last date for the-Medhabruti, Vyasakabi Fakirmohan Bhasabruti, and Gopabandhu Sikhya Sahayata Yojana Scholarships online applications has been extended to June '30 2021.

Odisha Scholarship 2021: Schemes Available

Odisha State Scholarships list with departments are mentioned below:

Scholarship Name Department Courses
Kalia Scholarship Agriculture & F.E Department -
e-Medhabruti Higher Education Department PG Merit UG Merit Technical and Professional
Gopabandhu Sikhya Sahayata Yojana Higher Education Department -
Vyasakabi Fakirmohan Bhasabruti Higher Education Department -
Children of Building Labour & ESI Department -
Junior Merit School& Mass Education Department -
NRTS Scholarship School& Mass Education Department 9 -10 class students
Pathani Samanta Mathematics -1 School& Mass Education Department 6 -8 class students
Pathani Samanta Mathematics -2 School& Mass Education Department 9 -10 class students
Pathani Samanta Mathematics -3 School& Mass Education Department 11-12 class students
Primary Merit School& Mass Education Department 3-4 class students
Primary Poverty cum Merit Poverty School& Mass Education Department 3-4 class students
Upper Primary School& Mass Education Department 5-6 class students
Upper Primary cum Merit Poverty School& Mass Education Department 3-4 class students
Banishree- A scheme of Scholarship for students with Disability Skill Development & Technical Education Department 5-6 class students
BOC Scholarship Skill Development & Technical Education Department -
Merit Scholarship Skill Development & Technical Education Department -
Merit-cum Poverty Stipend Skill Development & Technical Education Department -
Sudakshya for Girl Child Skill Development & Technical Education Department For Girls
Post Matric Scholarship ST & SC & MBC Welfare Department -
Pre Matric Scholarship ST & SC & MBC Welfare Department -

Odisha Scholarship 2021: Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for the students to apply for Odisha Scholarship are tabulated below:

Scholarship Scheme Class/Courses Eligibility
e-Medhabruti Scheme PG Merit (General) Journalism, Law, M.A., M.Com.,M.Sc,Occupational therapy, Pg Diploma, Pharmacy, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Tourism/Travel Management Minimum 60% in the last qualifying exam. Family Income should not be greater than 6,00,000/annum.
e-Medhabruti Scheme Technical and Professional (General, SC, ST, OBC/SEBC, EBC ) Agriculture & Allied Science, Animal Husbandry, Architecture, Ayurvedic, BSc Technical Professional, Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Dental, Engineering BTech Course, Fishery, Forestry, Homeopathy, Hotel Management, Integrated MSc, Integrated MBA, Integrated MCA, Law, Management, MF and Control MFC, MSW, Nursing, Social work, Tourism and Travel Management. Minimum 60% in the last qualifying exam. Family Income should not be greater than 6,00,000/annum.
e-Medhabruti Scheme UG Merit  (Genral, SC, ST, OBC/SEBC, EBC ) Plus 3, BBA, BCA,BJMC, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Prosthetics, and Orthotics Minimum 60% in the last qualifying exam.
Family Income should not be greater than 6,00,000/annum.
Gopabandhu Sikhya Sahayata Yojana (Genral, SC, ST, OBC/SEBC, EBC ) Graduation and Post Graduation Family Income should not be greater than 1,20,000/annum.
Vyasakabi Fakirmohan Bhasabruti (General, SC, ST, OBC/SEBC, EBC ) Plus 3 Odia (Honors), MA (Odia) UG (Plus 3) – 60% in Plus 2. PG (MA) – 60% in India (Honors) in Plus 3.
Junior Merit Plus 2 Minimum 60% in the last qualifying exam. Family Income should not be greater than 6,00,000/annum.
BOC Scholarship ( SC,ST,OBC/SEBC) ITI/ITC, Polytechnic/ Diploma -
BOC Scholarship ( General) ITI/ITC, Polytechnic/ Diploma -
Post Matric Scholarship (ST) Plus 2, Plus 3, Polytechnic/ Diploma, Nursing, Pharmacy, ITI/ITC, Doctoral, Integrated BSc, MA, MCom, MPhil, Homeopathy, Diploma in Hotel Management, Integrated MA, Journalism, Law, Medical, Para-Medical, animal Husbandry, Accountancy, Craftsmanship Certificate in hotel management, MTech, MSc, Public Health, MBA, Ayurvedic, Agriculture, and Allied Sciences, Occup[ational Therapy. Family Income should not be greater than 2,50,000/annum.

Odisha Scholarship 2021: How to Apply?

  • To apply for all the above scholarships, students need to follow the below-mentioned steps:
  • Visit the official website and click on the Registration link.
  • Enter your Aadhar Number and proceed.
  • Enter Login Details as User ID and Password.
  • Provide all the details of academic, bank information, and eligibility.
  • Click on the Next button to proceed further.
  • Download the form and take its printout.

Documents required to apply for these scholarships:

Below documents are mandatory while applying for the scholarship:

  • Applicant’s Aadhar number.
  • Photograph.
  • Income Certificate.
  • Category Certificate.
  • Resident Certificate
  • Front Page of Passbook.
  • Matriculation Certificate in case of it.
  • Previous Examination Certificate.

Odisha Scholarship 2021: Check Scholarship Status

Students who have applied for any of the scholarships at the Scholarship portal can also track their application status by following the steps given below. 

  • Step 1: Visit the home page of State Scholarship.
  • Step 2: Browse to ‘Student Corner’ and click on ‘Track all your scholarship application/activities’ under the Track Application Status section.
  • Step 3: Fill in your applicant ID and password to view all your scholarship activities.

To check the status of the Odisha State Scholarships students can connect to the Helpline number. 155335, 1800-345-6770.

Odisha Scholarship 2021 FAQs

Ques. What are the documents required with the printout of the application?

Ans. For Odisha State Scholarships students need to submit an Original Caste Certificate, Income Certificate, Copy of the first page of the Passbook, and Disability Certificate (If you have any) with the printout of the application. Institute verifies the documents and returns them to the students.

Ques. How can I check my scholarship status?

Ans. To check the status of the Odisha State Scholarships students can connect to the Helpline number. 155335, 1800-345-6770.

Ques.  How to correct the mistakes which I had made while filling the application form?

Ans.  If Students have made any mistake while filling Odisha State Scholarship Application form then they can directly inform about the mistake the Nodal Officer of the Institute. Institute can correct the information through the software.

Ques. What if I don’t find my Institute name in the drop-down list?

Ans. If students don’t find their institute name while filling an Odisha State Scholarship Application then they can inform the District Officer of that particular district in which the institute falls into. If your institute is an eligible institute for the Scholarship then the District Officer will update it into a DataBase then students can fill the form.