NIOS Hall Ticket 2021 (Out) for Classes 10, 12 Theory Exams; Download Here

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has released NIOS Hall Ticket 2021 today, for Classes 10 and 12 theory exams on its official website, 

Accordingly, classes 10th and 12th students of NIOS can visit the student portal on NIOS website and download their hall tickets now. Students have to key in their enrollment number to access the hall ticket. The institute has scheduled to conduct the theory exams for class 10th and 12th between November 12 and December 15, 2021. 

However, as per NIOS Public Exam Datesheet, exams for international students will commence from November 11, 2021 and continue till December 6, 2021. All the students appearing for these exams must carry their NIOS admit card 2021 to the exam hall without fail.

NIOS Exam 2021: Highlights 

Name of the exam  NIOS Class 10th and 12th Exam 2021 
Conducting body National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) 
Exam date (for indian citizens)  November 12 - December 15, 2021 
Exam date (for international students)  November 11 - December 6, 2021 
Release of NIOS Hall Ticket 2021 November 3, 2021 
Exam duration  2 hours or 3 hours 
Official website

It should be noted that, students without NIOS admit card 2021 will not be permitted to appear for the exam. NIOS exams will be conducted for a duration of 2 hours or 3 hours from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM and 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM.

NIOS Class 10 and 12 Practice Paper 2021: Download free PDF

NIOS Hall Ticket 2021: How to Download? 

Students of class 10th and 12th can go through the steps below to download the NIOS Hall Ticket 2021:

Step 1: Visit the official NIOS website,

Step 2: On the homepage, navigate to the exam section and click on ‘Exam & Results’.

Step 3: Now, Select the examination and click on the ‘Public Exam - NIOS Hall Ticket 2021’ 

Step 4: It will redirect you to a new login window page. Use login credentials and hit the ‘submit’ button.

Step 5: NIOS Admit Card 2021 for Class 10 and 12 will be displayed on the screen. Download the admit card and take a print of the same for exam purposes. 

Further, the students who have paid their examination fee for the October - November 2021 public examination will only be eligible to download the NIOS Admit Card 2021. However, if the admit card is not generated or the photo is missing, they can immediately contact the regional centre for rectification purposes. 

Also Read: NIOS Class 10 and 12 Syllabus 2021, Important Topics, Marking Scheme
