MPMSU BHMS Time Table 2020 not yet released

Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University (MPSU) has not yet released the time table for BHMS examination 2020. Additionally, the university has not provided any latest updates on its decisions for conducting exams with regards to prevailing pandemic conditions.

MPBSU, Jabalpur, earlier, notified students that examinations will be held from June 3, 2020. However, such plans were postponed due to the nationwide lockdown. 


As per students, following the decision of the MP Government, the examination is required to be conducted within 31 July 2020.

As of now, the university has scheduled the 4th-semester examinations for BAMS and BDS, for which exams are ongoing. The university has recently released BDS TimeTable for the Second Semester

Taking a cue from this, BHMS students expressed concern about their exams but did not receive any response from the university’s VC. Additionally, on contacting the helpline number, students are informed that BHMS time tables are uploaded on MPMSU official website when such information is vague.

The students pursuing medical courses have repeatedly questioned Madhya Pradesh government on this unequal treatment and requested for necessary measures addressing the future of medical science students. 

When other universities have been facilitated with alternate assessment schemes, the medical students have to appear for examinations in large gatherings amid COVID-19 pandemic.

Madhya Pradesh Science University students have also claimed, prior to lockdown, students went home for Holi. Post which, the lockdown was declared and they had to stay back unable to access reading material. 

Also, hostels have been converted to quarantine centres, cancelling prospects of returning to attend exams.
