New Delhi: The Directorate of Medical Education, (DME) has released the revised schedule for Madhya Pradesh NEET UG 2022 round 2 counselling on its official website

Candidates who have qualified the NEET UG 2022 exams and are eligible for admission to the MBBS/ BDS programmes offered at the Medical Colleges in MP can visit the official DME website to check the revised schedule of Round 2 for MP NEET UG 2022 Counselling.
According to the MP NEET UG 2022 Counselling Schedule for Round 2, the vacancy chart and list of eligible candidates will be released on November 18, 2022. The fresh choice filling & choice locking process will be available from November 19 to 22, 2022.
Earlier the vacancy chart and list of eligible UG medical candidates list for round-2 was scheduled to be released on November 16.
MP NEET UG 2022 Counselling: Important Dates
Candidates may appear in person for document verification and admission at the designated medical or dental college from November 26 to December 2, 2022.
Candidates who were admitted in the second round and those in the first round who choose to upgrade in the second round can indicate their desire to upgrade for the Mop UP round from November 26 to December 2, 2022.
Meanwhile, the organisation has also extended the deadlines for round 1 admissions and resignations until November 14, 2022 and November 15, respectively.
MP NEET UG 2022 Round 2 Counselling Schedule: How To Download?
Here are the steps candidates should follow to download the MP NEET UG 2022 Round 2 counselling schedule online:
Step 1: Visit the official DME website -
Step 2: On the home page, Click on the section that states the MP NEET UG 2022 counselling schedule.
Step 3: Click on the link that reads 'Tentative Round 2 MP NEET UG Counselling schedule' on the page.
Step 4: MP NEET UG 2022 Counselling schedule will be displayed on screen.
Step 5: Download the schedule from the website and take a printout of schedule for future reference.
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