MP Govt. Cancels Winter Vacation in Schools for Board Exam Preparations

Madhya Pradesh: The Government of Madhya Pradesh has cancelled the winter vacation in schools this year. The MP Department of School Education has taken this step in order to help students with their preparations for board examinations and other local examinations in the state.

The winter vacations in the schools were scheduled from December 26 to December 31, 2020. As the vacation is cancelled, the students will get more time to communicate their queries directly with the teachers and prepare thoroughly before the exams begin.

Check: MP Board Exam 2021: Syllabus Reduced By 30 Percent For Classes 10 And 12; Check Details Here

From December 18, the schools were resumed for students of classes 10 and 12. On the first day, a parent-teacher interaction was conducted in the government schools in the state in order to discuss the upcoming Board exams. 

Before the reopening of schools for classes 10 and 12 students, the state government had issued SOPs that were to be followed strictly. 

Besides this, the Board of Secondary Education of MP had also postponed the date to complete the online registration till December 31, for MPBSE Board Exam 2021. The Board has also reduced the late fees for the online registrations of MPBSE Board Exam 2021. 

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Also, no annual examination shall be conducted for students of classes 1 to 8, and schools shall also remain closed for them till March 31, 2021.

The state has planned to assess these students in the upcoming half-yearly and annual examinations on the basis of worksheets. The half-yearly assessment for students of class 1 to 8, Madhya Pradesh board students shall be done in the months of January, and the final evaluation in the months of February and March.

Check: Madhya Pradesh: Schools for Grade 1 to 8 Closed till March 2021, Assessment to be Done through Worksheets