Karnataka PGCET Counselling 2020: First Round Seat Allotment (Out) @ cetonline.karnataka.gov.in. Check Here

Karnataka Examination Authority has declared the first round of seat allotment for PGCET Counselling 2020 on the official website: cetonline.karnataka.gov.in. The seat allotment will be used for admission in MBA, MCA and MTech programs.

The mock seat allotment process of Karnataka PGCET 2020 ended on December 27 while the first seat allotment was released on December 29, 2020. Candidates whose names feature in the list will be called for document verification.

Earlier, Karnataka PGCET 2020 exam was conducted from October 13-14, 2020. KEA releases the seat allotment result on the basis of their rank secured in the written exam. These ranks are further uploaded in the web portal and used to allot seats in the affiliating colleges across Karnataka. 

Karnataka PGCET Counselling 2020: How to Check Seat Allotment Result Online?

Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to check the Karnataka PGCET 2020 first round seat allotment result online:

Step 1: Visit the official website: cetonline.karnataka.gov.in/kea

Step 2: Click on the admission tab on the homepage.

Step 3: Click on PGCET 2020 First Round Seat Allotment Results link.

Step 4: On the new window, enter PGCET Number and click on Submit.

Step 5: Check the result and download the document for further use.

Karnataka PGCET Counselling 2020: Important Dates 

The entire schedule of the first round seat allotment process of Karnataka PGCET 2020 is given in the table below:

Karnataka PGCET 2020 Event


Release of First seat allotment

December 29, 2020

Exercising Choices by Seat Allotted Candidates

December 29- 31, 2020

Payment of Fees by Choice 1 and Choice 2 Candidates

December 30- 31, 2020 

Last Date of Reporting at Allotted Colleges (Choice 1 Candidates Only) along with Original Certificates and Verification Slip

December 31, 2020 

What After PGCET 1st Seat Allotment Result is Declared?

Once the verification of documents and exercising options by a candidate is done, the seats are then allotted in two rounds i.e. first round, second round and final round.

After the release of the first round, the shortlisted candidates can accept the seats allotted in the respective college and take admission. KPGCET Reservation Policy will also be applicable at the time of seat allotment.

Also Check: Karnataka PGCET 2020 Participating Colleges
