The University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued guidelines on examinations. Accordingly, the vice chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK) has given permission to hold undergraduate and postgraduate viva voce via video conferencing.
The Principals of the constituent and affiliated colleges of JNTUK must make note of the guidelines that have been issued for holding the undergraduate and postgraduate project viva online.
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First of all, the viva voce can be conducted using any reliable and mutually convenient video conferencing application, subject to the approval of the controller of examinations.
The head of the concerned department or the internal examiner will schedule the video conference for the viva voce in consultation with the external examiner. The viva-voce examinations will be given according to the timetable issued for the undergraduate programmes and within 15 days of the appointment of external examiner for postgraduate courses.
The timetable of the viva voce and the link for joining the video conference will be sent to the controller of examinations. It will also be shared with the other faculty members of the concerned college.
The head of the department or the internal examiner will identify and introduce each candidate at the start of the viva voce and proceed to record the entire duration of the viva voce. The video recordings will be maintained at the college examination branch and a copy is to be submitted to the controller of examinations along with a hard copy of the viva voce report.
Should any difficulties arise in holding the examination according to schedule, the viva voce can be rescheduled; this information must be forwarded to the controller of examinations.
Immediately after the viva voce is completed, the marks or grades of each candidate must be finalized. The external examiners will have to record the scores of the candidates on the forms sent by mail. The signed copy of it will have to be sent to
Subsequently, the head of the concerned department will prepare the viva voce report and attendance sheet and send them to the external examiner. The external examiner will have to sign the sheet and the report; after that, the documents are submitted to the university examination centre, bearing the Principal’s signature.
The viva voce reports will have to be submitted to the controller of examinations according to the schedule of the undergraduate courses.
The autonomous colleges affiliated with JNTUK are also advised to follow the above-mentioned guidelines.