Jharkhand Schools Reopening: The Jharkhand schools will resume today, i.e. December 16 for class 10 and 12 students. All the state private schools were busy yesterday, ensuring the SOP issued by the education and literacy department are followed.
On December 20, 2020, a webinar was held which saw the participation of District Education Officers (DEOs) and deputy superintendents of education (DSEs).
Abhinav Kumar, Special Project Officer at Jharkhand Education Project Council (JEPC) said that the DEOs and DSEs were informed about the SOP in detail during the webinar. The preparedness of schools was also evaluated so as to avoid any chaos.
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Abhinav further revealed that all the Jharkhand schools will be provided certain funds to take precautionary measures like masks, sanitizers, and thermal scanners. Till the funds reach them, schools have been asked to use their own development funds.
Keeping in view the upcoming examinations of all the three boards, JAC, CBSE, and CISCE, the education department has issued a detailed Standard operating procedure (SOP) for Jharkhand schools reopening for classes 10 and 12.
To prevent the spread of virus, all the students, teachers, and school staff have to follow below measures:
- Wash hands often
- Sanitization is must
- Wear face mask mandatorily
- Maintain social distancing
As per the SOP issued, all the students will be called on alternative days according to their roll numbers. That means an odd-even formula will be followed.
All Jharkhand Schools will run in two shifts. Students of class 10 will be called in the first shift and those of class 12 will be called in the second shift.
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Students also need to carry written consent from their guardians stating that they are sending their wards for seeking guidance from parents. The consent should include the student’s name, roll number, home address and mobile number.
To be assured, parents must note that sanitizers or soap will be kept at the entry of schools and students will be permitted inside the premises after sanitizing hand properly. The temperature of both teaching and non-teaching staff will be monitored daily.
Moreover, if a students fall sick during the class, the concerned health centre and guardians will be informed immediately.
The state helpline number, local administration and health officials number will also be displayed in all teh Jharkhand schools.
The state high schools that were converted into quarantine centres for COVID-19 patients will not e reopening toady. These schools would reopen after proper sanitization and suspection.
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