JEE Advanced 2023: Revised Syllabus Released for IIT Entrance Exam; Details Here

JEE Advanced 2023: The Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Kharagpur has released the revised syllabus for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2023 for the IIT Entrance Exam at its website 

The IIT Kharagpur has released the revised JEE Advanced 2023 syllabus online, for the three subjects including Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. 

Candidates intending to write the JEE Advanced 2023 exam are required to adhere to the revised JEE syllabus and prepare for the said-exam accordingly. 

JEE Advanced 2023: Revised Syllabus 

Go through the table to check the revised syllabus for the three subjects covered in the JEE Advanced 2023. 

Name of the subjects 

Topics covered 


General, Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves, Thermal Physics, Optics, Modern Physics


General Topics, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Atomic Structure, Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Electrochemistry, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties


Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Analytical Geometry, Differential Calculus, Sets, Relations and Functions, Integral Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Vectors, Algebra

JEE Advanced 2021 Counselling

JEE Advanced 2023 Revised Syllabus: How to Download? 

Following are the steps to download the revised syllabus of the JEE Advanced 2023. 

Step 1: Visit the official JEE Advanced website

Step 2: On the homepage, navigate to the latest notification section and check the flashing link, revised syllabus to be followed from JEE (Advanced) 2023 and click on it 

Step 3: Revised Syllabus for JEE (Advanced) 2023 will be displayed in a pdf format 

Step 4: Check and download the revised syllabus for JEE Advanced 2023 for further reference
