JEE Advanced 2021 registrations have been delayed yet again, as it did not begin as per schedule on September 13, 2021 (Monday). Earlier, the application process was slated for September 10, 2021 which was pushed to a later date due to subsequent delay in JEE Main 2021 Session 4 result declaration.
As of now, conducting institute- IIT Kharagpur has not published any new regsitration dates for JEE Advanced 2021. Instead, the institute has instructed candidates to wait until further notice. As per a senior official, “The result for JEE-Mains will be announced either tomorrow or latest by Wednesday.” However, he did not comment on the reasons for delaying JEE Main 2021 session 4 results.
The official notice by IIT Kharagpur reads,

JEE Main 2021 results were likely to be declared today, September 13. Over 7 lakh candidates had registered for JEE main fourth session exam. The exams were conducted as a Computer-based Test in 13 languages but the results are not yet released.
JEE Main is conducted for admission in Engineering courses across the country and it is even treated as a qualifying examination for JEE Advanced. Top 2.5 lakh students from JEE Main will pose eligible for JEE Advanced, slated to be held on October 3, 2021. Hence, delay in JEE Main events brings about collateral effect on JEE Advanced. Meanwhile, JEE Advanced 2021 is scheduled for October 3, 2021.
For the uninformed, JEE Mains was held in four phases for the academic year of 2021. This was initiated to provide flexibility to students and an opportunity for improving the scores. The first phase was held in February followed by the second in March. The remaining two phases were scheduled for April and May, which got considerably delayed for the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak, that battered the country.
Hence, the third session of JEE Main 2021 was conducted from July 20-25, 2021 while the fourth was conducted from August 26-September 2, 2021.
As known, JEE Main 2021 ranks will be released by NTA, condidering best of four marks policy. Accordingly officials have confirmed, NTA scores are normalised across multi-session papers and considered in terms of relative performance of all those candidates who took the examination in one session.
"The marks obtained are converted into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees. NTA score is not the same as the percentage of marks obtained," the senior official stated.