JEE Advanced 2021 is being conducted today in 2 shifts. The first shift exam has started at 9:00 am and will conclude at 12:00 noon. JEE Advanced 2021 for the 2nd shift is scheduled to be conducted from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Candidates must carefully follow the exam day guidelines for JEE Advanced 2021 released by IIT Kharagpur. JEE Advanced 2021 question paper has to be attempted within 3 hours. Also Check JEE Advanced 2021 Last-Minute Preparation Tips
The authorities expect the candidates to follow the guidelines issued to ensure maximum safety from COVID-19 as well as a smooth exam conduction process. The examination centers will ensure the safety of all candidates by adopting adequate methods related to COVID-19 like regular disinfection, provision of sanitizers, thermal screening, etc. The candidates need to carry the self-declaration form and a photo id-card along with JEE Advanced 2021 Admit Card to the exam center. If the candidates fail to produce the above-mentioned documents they won’t be allowed to appear for JEE Advanced 2021. Also Check JEE Advanced Question Papers
JEE Advanced 2021 General Instructions: Preparations and Facilities at the Test Center
- Adequate safety precautions and proper hygiene will be implemented at JEE Advanced 2021 Exam Centers.
- The examination centers will be properly disinfected. Before the commencement of each paper, the entire seating area will be thoroughly sanitized including the monitor, keyboard, mouse, webcam, desk, and chair.
- The candidates will be provided with Sanitizers at all the major points at the exam center.
- Barcode readers will be installed at the entry point of the test center to scan the barcode on the JEE Advanced 2021 admit card. Details regarding the lab/hall/room number will be informed to the candidate after reading the barcode.
- The invigilators will keep a scribbling pad at each desk before the commencement of the exam.
JEE Advanced 2021 Exam Day Instructions for Candidates
- Candidates need to wear a mask all the time inside and outside the exam center.
- The applicants need to carry sanitizers as well as a transparent bottle of water.
- Candidates need to disinfect their hands by washing with soap and with hand sanitizer before entering the JEE Advanced 2021 Exam center.
- At the time of entry, the invigilators will check the filled-in COVID-19 self-declaration (Undertaking) on the admit card, and the body temperature (using Thermo Guns).
- The candidates will be accompanied by a staff member to the respective labs.
- The candidates need to hand over the admit card [duly filled and signed COVID-19 self-declaration (Undertaking)] to the invigilator after the commencement of JEE Advanced 2021.
- Students need to mark their attendance on each paper by signing in beside their name in the space provided on the roll list.
JEE Advanced 2021 is being conducted on October 3, 2021. The admit card was released on September 25, 2021. The exam will be conducted in two parts Paper 1 and Paper 2. Only the candidates who have appeared in both papers will be graded. JEE Advanced Answer Key 2021 will be released on October 10, 2021.
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