Jain University, Bangalore Launches B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering from 2022-23; Apply Now

New Delhi: Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore has joined hands with Futurense Technologies, and launched a new B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering. 

Jain University, Bangalore Launches B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering from 2022-23; Apply Now

Jain (Deemed-to-be University) has introduced the B.Tech course in Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering with an aim to provide aspiring students with a new way of learning through an immersive model of teaching. Students will also get placement assurance based on their performance during the 4 years.

Through this Jain University Course, participants will get multiple assured paid internships in the relevant domain during the learning journey. Hence, the programme will open a gateway to multiple MNCs and Fortune 500 companies for the students. While opting for the course of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, there are a number of skills that will be honed as follows:

  • Coding languages like Python, Golang, Ruby, Perl, Java, C and C++, Scala etc.
  • Understanding of the operating systems like Linux, Solaris, Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS, etc.
  • Knowledge of machine learning
  • Analytical skills
  • Understanding of database management and solution systems like SQL, Cassandra, Bigtable, and so on.
  • Familiarity with data warehousing solutions like Panoply, Redshift, etc.

Jain University B.Tech in AI & Data Engineering 2022: Highlights 

Name of the Program  B.Tech 
Conducting Body  Jain (Deemed-to-be University) 
Specializations Offered  CSE in AI & DE 
Eligibility Criteria  Passed 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics and minimum of 70% marks
Application Deadline  To be announced 
Course Details  Click Here
Application Fee INR 600
Registration Link  Click Here 
Official Website  set.jainuniversity.ac.in

Jain University B.Tech Admission 2022: Eligibility Criteria 

Candidates seeking Jain University admissions for B.Tech will have to fulfill the eligibility requirements which are as follows:

  • The aspirant should have qualified the JET/JEE held for the program
  • The aspirant should have attained at least 70% or more in their HSC (Class 12th) examinations.
  • The aspirant should be able to pass a technical interview held by Futurense Technologies. 

Jain University B.Tech Admission 2022: How to Apply? 

Step 1: Visit the official application portal JAIN University @set.jainuniversity.ac.in. 

Step 2: Register yourself after filling the required details, such as Mobile number, Email Id etc.

Step 3: Now, login with your registration credentials and fill all details in the Application form.

Step 4: Pay the application fee of INR 600 online and submit the Application form. 

Step 5: Applicants must also take a print out of the form for all future needs.

Jain University B.Tech in AI & Data Engineering: Course Benefits

Several medical colleges in India have an in-house hospital to provide students with first-hand experience, exposure to the profession, and close observation to make the learning process more accommodating. Similarly, for the first in India, Jain (Deemed-to-be University) will have Futurense Technologies on-campus to provide students a real-time work experience all the while pursuing their B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering.

The university's partnership will assist the aspiring students to escape from the job loop of needing the right experience for the right job and vice versa. By incorporating diverse culture and a remarkable multidisciplinary curriculum, Jain (Deemed-to-be University) and Futurense Technologies focus on providing all the facilities required and beyond for the Talent to bloom. 

Jain University B.Tech in AI & Data Engineering: Scope

After completing the degree course of B.Tech. CSE with a specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, the world is the candidate’s oyster. There are a plenty of job profiles one can get into. The following are some examples of said job profiles—

  • Data Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • AI/ML Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • AI Scientist
  • Data Architect
  • Chief Data Officer
  • Data Mining and Analysis

Multiple MNCs and other big companies are looking to hire AI and data engineers. The following are a few examples of otherwise a big list of company names: 

Futurense Technologies Microsoft Google
Amazon Tesla Apple
Dell IBM Salesforce
Facebook TCS CapGemini
Mindtree TechMahindra Wipro
L&T Infotech Sony Accenture
Infosys Deloitte Foxconn

“The unfair treatment of the upcoming Talent in India is very concerning. We, at Futurense Technologies, are trying to democratize the playing field for the Talent of India and make India the powerhouse of Talent in the coming future.”, said Raghav Gupta, COO & Founder of Futurense Technologies.

“We are in the middle of the Technological Revolution and Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering are the frontrunners of it. We the faculty at JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) strongly believe that the association with Futurense Technologies will be highly beneficial to students, to gain in-depth insight into this emerging and exponential technology with an immersive learning model.” said Dr. V Vivek, Head AI & DE, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University).

To know more about the program, visit here

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