JAC Delhi 2020: Round 5 (Pre-Upgradation) Allotment Out Now; Check Here

JAC Delhi Round 5 Seat Allotment: Joint Admission Committee (JAC) Delhi has released the round-5 seat allotment result on its official website: jacdelhi.nic.in. Fresh allottees can pay seat acceptance fees now while admitted candidates can freeze branch options.

Candidates who earlier registered for JAC Delhi 2020, can now login to view their seat allotment result that has been provided based on their merit and locked choices. 

Official Notice of JAC Delhi Reads: 

“Round 5 (pre-up-gradation round) allotment results are available now. Seat acceptance fee payment for fresh allottees and branch freezing options for already admitted candidates are open now.”

The authorities have allotted seats considering the candidates All India ranking in JEE Main 2020 and the choices they filled for BE, BTech or B.Arch admission. 

JAC Delhi 2020: How to Check Round-5 Result?

Follow the steps mentioned below to check JAC Delhi 2020 counselling Round-5 result:

  • Visit the official website: jacdelhi.nic.in.
  • On the homepage, click on ‘Registered Candidates Sign in’.
  • Enter application no, password and security pin and click on Sign in.
  • Check seat allotments, download it for future reference.

Direct Link: JAC Delhi Round-5 Result

As of now, the qualified candidates can check the institute-wise cutoffs in which they are allotted seats. Moreover, as per JAC Delhi regulations, candidates can choose to change the options they filled before a new commences. Hence, candidates should carefully select their options. 

JAC Delhi 2020 Round-5: Important Dates



JAC Delhi Round-5 Seat Allotment Result 

November 25, 2020

Payment of academic fee (INR. 1,03,000) through JAC Delhi portal

November 26-27, 2020 (Friday) (till 2:00 PM)

Confirmation of admission/intimation of deficiencies to candidates

November 27, 2020 (Friday) (by 5:00 PM)

Clear deficiencies by uploading new documents/pay academic fee/visit allotted institute personally

November 28, 2020 (Saturday) till 5:00 PM

Online seat freezing

Immediately after confirmation of admission within November 28, 2020 (Saturday) (till 11:59 PM)

About JAC Delhi

Joint Admission Counseling (JAC) coordinates the UG admission process for premier government-funded institutes in Delhi that includes:
