IIT Delhi's startup Nanoclean organises 'DelhiBreathes' drive during world pollution prevention month

New Delhi: Allen Career Institute and a startup supported by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, Naso95, distributed the wearable air purifier to more than 50,000 schoolchildren in Delhi. The "DelhiBreathes" project will take place during the international month dedicated to preventing pollution.

The campaign organised by IIT Delhi called "DelhiBreathes" aims to inform and educate Delhi's students about air pollution. To encourage students to take preventative action against air pollution, the Naso95 air purifiers will be given away free of charge at more than 50 schools as part of this programme.

Schools visited as part of the "DelhiBreathes" campaign

The crew started the push by going to 6 schools in honour of national pollution control day, which is observed annually on December 2.

  • Joseph and Marry Public School, Burari, New Delhi
  • DLDAV Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi
  • ITBP, Dwarka, New Delhi
  • Arwachin Bharti Bhawan School, Vivek Vihar, New Delhi
  • Ryan International School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
  • Bal Bharti, Noida

Senior spokeswoman for Allen Career Institute said the following regarding the drive: "In addition to having an adverse effect on health, air pollution also distracts students from their studies and athletic pursuits. Allen is dedicated to supporting students in every manner possible, and we see this as part of our corporate social duty."

This initiative is being carried out in the midst of Delhi's severe pollution problems. With an hourly air quality index (AQI) of 367, Delhi's pollution level remains in the "extremely poor" category as of right now. The capital has been in a crisis ever since schools in early November 2022 had to close due to pollution levels. As the air quality became critical, schools were instructed to hold classes online.

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