IIT Delhi Invites Applications for Free Online Course on Artificial Intelligence; Apply till January 30, 2023

New Delhi: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi is inviting applications for admission to its newly launched free 12-week online course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) called, "An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence". The course aims to prepare interested participants in various subfields of AI. 

As per IIT Delhi, the "An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" course will enable students to enrol in a range of targeted, advanced courses in various branches of AI. The course is free for all students, but to receive a certificate, a student must pay a registration fee of INR 1000 and pass a test.

Following the schedule released for IIT Delhi Online Course 2023, the test for certificates will be held on April 29, 2023. The last day to enrol for admission is January 30, 2023, and the course will commence from January 23 to April 14, 2023 for all registered students.

Professor Mausam, an affiliate professor at the University of Washington in Seattle and an associate Professor of Computer Science at IIT Delhi, will teach the course. The curriculum will cover major topics in the AI domain, such as adversarial search, and constraint satisfaction among others.

It will include the philosophy of artificial intelligence and definitions, modelling a problem as a search problem, an uninformed search, heuristic search, domain relaxations, local search, genetic algorithms, propositional logic and satisfiability, etc. 

Additionally, uncertainty in artificial intelligence, Bayesian networks, bayesian networks learning and inference, decision theory, Markov decision processes and introduction to deep learning and deep reinforcement learning will also be taught to participants in this course. 

Anyone who is familiar with probability and data structures is welcome to enrol in the course. It will be particularly useful for undergraduate students interested in robotics, artificial intelligence, data science, and computer science and engineering. For more details, visit nptel.ac.in.

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