IIT Delhi Introduces B.Tech in Energy Engineering; Details Here

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi's Department of Energy Science and Engineering has introduced a new undergraduate programme, 'B.Tech. in Energy Engineering for the academic year 2021-22. The institute will intake 40 students for the new B.Tech programme. 

Candidates who have qualified for the JEE (Advanced) 2021 are eligible for admission to the B.Tech in Energy Engineering programme at IIT Delhi.

Prof. K.A. Subramanian, Head, Department of Energy Science and Engineering (DESE), IIT Delhi, said that there's a critical requirement to develop human resources with the capacity to address different kinds of Energy and environment-related challenges with the necessary foresight and vision. 

Further, Prof. Subramanian spoke about the new programme and said that the B.Tech Programme in Energy Engineering has been designed to enable the students with the essential skills and knowledge to understand the challenges occurring in the energy sector and offer solutions to the problems that will help achieve sustainable energy, which should be accessible, available, and affordable. 

He added that one of the fastest-growing sectors is Energy. It is in a critical transition from conventional to clean and renewable energy that will provide many placement opportunities in energy sectors. 

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IIT Delhi's 45 years old department of Energy Science and Engineering was formerly known as the Centre for Energy Studies, one of India's oldest centers. It imparts education in the energy domain and engages in cutting-edge research through its three M. Tech. and Doctoral (PhD) programmes.

Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT Delhi, said that Energy is vital as it has a vast number of implications on economic development and environmental sustainability. 

Therefore, many opportunities are available in the energy sector. All the interested students can take up a career in the energy sector and explore the options available to join the new B.Tech course in Energy Engineering programme. Further, the institute has a dedicated academic and entrepreneurship culture, he said. 

Further, the educational structure of IIT Delhi ensures an in-depth understanding of one subject area with sufficient width in other areas that will permit students to receive a comprehensive education with 50% education coming from the parent department and the remaining 50% coming from other departments, he added. 

Candidates who pursue their degree in Energy Engineering are likely to find some of the best technology jobs in core energy sectors and organizations engaged in a variety of activities about climate change, energy access and security, application of AI and IoT in the energy sector, conventional energy transition to clean and renewable energy, etc.

It will also be applicable for candidates pursuing higher studies in leading national and international institutions. 

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