IIM Selection Process to be Modified Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic

IIM Lucknow and IIM Indore have eliminated the weightage of the written ability test round for calculating the final score of the candidates that will be used to generate the final shortlist for the admission to the institutions. The interviews for the remaining candidates have been shifted online as well.

The official websites of the IIMs show that because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, they have shifted the interviews for the remaining candidates online, but the written ability test cannot be conducted online.

Thus, the admissions committee has decided to drop to a written ability test and its weightage for the admission process 2020 of the candidates into the PGP and PGP-HRM programs for IIM Indore.

This change will be applicable for all the candidates regardless of whether they appeared in-person or online for the interviews. This decision was taken to ensure the consistency and fairness for all the candidates appearing for the admission at IIM Indore.

Earlier in the year, IIM Lucknow became the first IIM to drop the written ability test for the evaluation of the selection of the CAT 2020 candidates. A few top IIMs release the final shortlist of the candidates for admission to MBA batch of 2020-22.

IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Kozhikode, and IIM Shillong released their final shortlist of the candidates for the admission in their MBA program. The MBA programs at IIMs usually commence around August, but they have been delayed due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

It is quite likely that the incoming MBA batch at the IIMs will have to join the programs online due to the course of the coronavirus lockdown in the country.
