IIFT, Delhi to Offer an Advance Certificate course in ITL & GS; Check Details Here

IIFT, Delhi to Offer an Advance Certificate course

New Delhi: Indian Institute of Foreign Trade is offering an Advance Certificate Course in International Trade Logistics and Global Sourcing. The major purpose of this Advance Certificate course is to evolve a systematic awareness of the vital role of logistics in ITL (International Trade and Logistics) and GS (Global Sourcing).

Through this course, IIFT aims at teaching students to understand the various kinds of dimensions and aspects of ITL and GS ranging from government policies, regulation, and geopolitics to actual operations. Advance Certificate Course intends for equipping the proficiency of issues, challenges, and concepts comprising the risk and legal implications of Trade Logistics. It encircles various aspects of Global logistics including sourcing strategies, Cultural diversity, risks, and Policies.

Major Objectives of the Advance Certificate Course

  • To comprehend the concept of Global Logistics.
  • Top Challenges in International Trade Logistics
  • Understand the role of warehousing, packaging, economic importance, and material handling.
  • Get to know the various modes of transportation and their implication on logistics.
  • Learn the Difference between Trade Logistics and Domestic Logistics.
  • Explanation of purchasing and the supply process.
  • Get to learn Negotiation and Contracts.
  • Raising precautions against fraud in Maritime logistics.

IIFT Advance Certificate Course in ITL & GS: Highlights 

Particulars Details
Target Audience Middle-level and Senior-level management.
Pedagogy Live Online sessions, Assignments, Case-Study analysis, and Port/Industry visits.
Relevant Industry  Trading, Manufacturing, Service Organisation, Aviation Industry, Logistics Industry, and Air Cargo Handling Industry.
Reference Material and Books

International Trade Logistics by Dr. Ram Singh (Oxford University). 

Management of Business Logistics by Coyle; Bardi; Langley Cengage Publications

Contemporary Logistics by Paul R. Murphy, Jr., Donald F. Wood, PHI

Logistical Management by Donald J. Bowersox; David J. Closs

IIFT Advance Certificate Course in ITL & GS: Learning Outcomes

After the successful completion of this course at IIFT, the candidates will be capable of the following;

  • They will be able to Demonstrate a comprehensive analysis of the problem ( incorporating multiple perspectives) by application of the most appropriate theoretical framework 
  • They will get to know the process of developing an innovative and implementable approach to unravel the issue and backed with defined strengths and weaknesses of the outcomes.

IIFT Advance Certificate Course in ITL & GS: Syllabus

Session Plan (Each Unit 1.5 Hours)
S. No. Module Name Session

Module 1
Introduction & Key
Elements of
International Trade
Conceptual Framework of
Trade Logistics,
Interfaces between
Marketing and Logistics,
Logistics Performance
Logistics Indicators

Module 2

Integrated Logistics
& Sub System

3rd Session
Integrated Logistics
System-Concept, need
and definition
Module 3 Warehousing and
Material Handling
4th Session Warehousing, Elements
of Material Handling,
Principles of Material
Handling, Inventory
Control,JIT Concepts
Module 4 . Packing Labelling
and Marking in
Logistics Operations
Need of Packaging in
Trade Logistics, Packing
vis-à-vis Packaging,
Packaging and transport
hazards, Precautions in
Use of Packing Materials,
Kinds of packaging
Module 5 Choice of Mode of Transport 7th- 8th
Importance of
Transportation, Transport
Principles, Factors
affecting choice of
transport mode, types of
Transportation Carriers,
Concept and Advantages
and Multimodal Transport
Module 6 Transport
Documents in Trade
9th -10th
Bill of landing, Air way
Bill, Courier Receipt,
Postal Receipt, Road
Consignment Note,
Forwarder, Multimodal
Transport Document,
Delivery Order, Carting
Order, Gate Pass
Module 7 Unitization & Role of
Pallets &
Containers in
11th &
Unitization of
Cargo,Palletization of
cargo, Standardization of
Pallets & ISO Norms,
Containerization in India,
Air Cargo
Containerization, Double-
stack Containerization in
Trade Logistics
Module 8 Role of ICDs and
CFS in Multimodal
13th &
Concept of
ICD/CFS,Concept :Hub &
Spoke, Distinction
Between an ICD & CFS,
Functions of ICDs,
CFSs, Role/Advantages of
Module 9 Ocean
Growing Importance of
Ocean Transportation,
Types of Cargo and its
impact in shipping, Major
Commodities Traded by
Ocean Transportation,
Classification of Vessels,
Factors determining
Ocean routes, nature of
shipping trade,
developments in World
Shipping Services
Module 10 Liner & Tramp
Shipping and
Freighting Practices
16th -17th
Liner Shipping-Principles
& Freight Structure,
factors affecting freights,
in Containerized trade,
Basis of freight rate
structure, FCL/LCL/Consolidation concept, FCL/LCL
Calculations, Tramp
Shipping Defined, Salient
Features of Tramp
Shipping, Chartering
Explained, Types of
Module 11 Marine Cargo
Principles of Insurance,
Types of policies
available, Inclusions &
Exclusions, Institute
Cargo Clauses,
Relationship with the
Incoterms 2010,
Precautionary Measures
for fraud prevention
Module 12 Maritimes Frauds &
Maritime frauds: Genesis,
Operational aspects and
the way forward,
Emergence of Dedicated
Freight Corridors and
their impact on logistics
& Cargo movement from
hinterlands to ports,
challenges and
suggestions for
Improving Multi modalism
in India

How to apply?

  • All the interested candidates need to fill the application form available at the official website of IIFT www.iift.edu.
  • The last date to submit the application is Feb 28, 2023. 
  • Make sure to fill in all the required details in the application form.
  • After the candidates will be shortlisted 
  • All the shortlisted candidates will get an admission offer via mail from March 06 - 13, 2023.
  • The tuition fee can be paid in two installments. The first instalment will be INR 12000 and the second instalment will be INR 8000 

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