Ideal Attempts vs Percentile Score in CAT 2020

Indian Institutes of Management will conduct this year’s Common Admission Test to secure admission to candidates into various management programmes in various colleges and institutes in India. CAT 2020 will not only test a candidate's mental ability but will also check the accuracy and how the candidate can tackle pressure situations with readiness & ease.

It is immensely important to understand the crust of the questions asked and to answer them effectively which will help the candidate win admission in their dream institutes. Thus, selecting the ideal question as per your accuracy and fetching the target score strands out to be important.

Check: CAT 2020 Practice Paper

CAT 2020 Number of Attempts Vs Percentile of marks

Candidates need to understand their accuracy and readiness to answer CAT 2020 questions in the set time, which is 180 minutes. Different students have vivid approaches to attempt as per their tonality, but in the average form, the candidate who wants to secure about 80% needs to attempt at least 26-28 questions and one who wants to attain more than 85% will eventually have to attempt 22-25 questions.

Always remember one aspect, that it will depend on your accuracy to target the questions and reach to the main conclusion, increase in accuracy will eventually lead you to answer less questions because you will be sure about the questions you will target.

Given below is the list of the number of attempts as per the percentile:

Percentile Attempts
70% 26 questions
80% 30 questions
90% 40 questions
95% & above 60 questions

NOTERemembered on the basis of the category of the student, the number of questions to be attempted will differ eventually.

CAT 2020 Section-Wise Division

Candidate has to target three sections effectively with adequate strategy so as to get the most out of it. It's not just about practice and clarity of vision but is also about focus and penning the important questions to attempt. Having a thought of how many questions to eventually attempt to attain the defined score as per the cut off strictly set by the university.

There will be 100 questions, where 32 questions will be for Data Interpretation & Logical reasoning, 34 questions for Reading comprehension and 34 questions for Quantitative Analysis respectively. Here is the section wise division of number of attempts on the basis of the required percentage the candidate is striving forth.

Check: CAT 2020 Exam Pattern

  1. Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
DA & LR 60% 70% 80%
70% 8 7 6
80% 11 9 8
90% 17 13 10
95% & above 25 20 16

The number of questions is eventually getting reduced as your accuracy increases. The above written percentages in bold are your ability to target and answer the questions. If your accuracy is 80% then to achieve 95% marks you have to answer at least 16 questions from DA & LR and vice versa.

  1. Quantitative Analysis
QA 60% 70% 80%
70% 8 7 6
80% 11 9 8
90% 17 13 10
95% & above 25 20 16

The table follows the similar tonality as DA & LR respectively.

  1. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
VA & RC 60% 70% 80%
70% 11 9 7
80% 15 12 10
90% 19 15 12
95% & above 30 24 18

Follow the above-mentioned statistics to target your questions effectively and eventually score well. 
