ICSE, ISC Revised Timetable 2021: Revised Exam Dates Released @cisce.org; Check Here

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) on Monday, March 8 released the revised schedule for ICSE and ISC 2021 examinations on its official website. Read the article below to get the revised time tables. 

According to the revised schedule, CISCE will not be conducting any ICSE (Class 10) examination on May 13 and May 15 and for ISC (Class 12) no examination will be conducted on May 13, May 15 and June 12.

Accordingly, changes have been made in the timetable for ICSE and ISC exams 2021. It is advised that the candidates should check the timetable and plan their approach carefully. CISCE will be releasing the ICSE & ISC Admit Card 2021 soon on its official website 

ICSE Exam Revised Time Table 2021

candidates appearing for ICSE Exam 2021 can check the revised timetable in the table given below:

Day & Date




Tuesday, May 4 11.00 AM Economics (Group II Elective)  2 hrs
Wednesday, May 5 11.00 AM English Language — English Paper  2 hrs
Thursday, May 6 11.00 AM Environmental Science (Group II Elective) 2 hrs
Saturday, May 8 09.00 AM Art Paper I (Still Life) 3 hrs
Monday, May 10 11.00 AM Literature in English – English Paper 2 2 hrs
Wednesday, May 12 11.00 AM History & Civics – H.C.G Paper 1 2 hrs
Tuesday, May 18 11.00 AM Mathematics 2½ hrs
Thursday, May 20 11.00 AM Geography – H.C.G Paper 2 2 hrs
Saturday, May 22 09.00 AM Art Paper 2 (Nature Drawing/Painting) 3 hrs
Monday, May 24 11.00 AM

Commercial Studies (Group II Elective)

French (Group II Elective)

2 hrs
Tuesday, May 25 11.00 AM

Second Languages:

Ao-Naga, Assamese, Bengali, Dzongkha, Garo, Gujarati, Kannada, Khasi, Lepcha, Mizo, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Tangkhul, Telugu, Urdu

Modern Foreign languages:

Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Modem Armenian, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Tibetan

3 hrs
Firday, May 28 11.00 AM Physics – Science Paper 1 2 hrs
Saturday, May 29 09.00 AM Art Paper 3 (Original Composition) 3 hrs
Monday, May 31 11.00 AM Chemistry – Science Paper 2 2 hrs
Wednesday, June 2 11.00 AM Biology – Science Paper 3 2 hrs
Friday, June 4 11.00 AM Hindi 3 hrs
Saturday, June 5 09.00 AM Art Paper 4 (Applied Art) 3 hrs
Monday, June 7 11.00 AM

(Group III Elective)

Carnatic Music, Commercial Applications, Computer Applications,

Cookery, Drama, Economic Applications, Environmental Applications, Fashion Designing, French, German, Hindustani Music, Home Science, Hospitality Management, Indian Dance, Mass Media & Communication, Physical Education, Western Music, Yoga

Technical Drawing Applications

2 hrs

3 hrs

*Download ICSE Revised Time Table 2021 Here*

ISC Exam Revised Time Table 2021

candidates appearing for ISC Exam 2021 can check the revised timetable in the table given below:

Day & Date




Thursday, April 8

9.00 A.M.

Computer Science (Paper 2) Practical - Planning Session

1½ hrs. (90 minutes)


Friday, April 9


9.00 A.M.

Home Science (Paper 2) Practical - Planning Session Indian Music Carnatic (Paper 2) Practical

1 hr.

20 minutes for each candidate

Tuesday, May 4

2.00 P.M.

English - Paper 2 (Literature in English)

3 hrs.

Wednesday, May 5

9.00 A.M

Art Paper 5 (Crafts ‘A’)

3 hrs.

Thursday, May 6

2.00 P.M.

English - Paper 1 (English Language)

3 hrs.

Saturday, May 8

2.00 P.M.

Elective English

Biotechnology - Paper 1 (Theory)

3 hrs.

3 hrs.

Tuesday, May 11

2.00 P.M.


3 hrs.

Wednesday, May 12

9.00 A.M.

Art Paper 1 (Drawing or Painting from Still Life)

3 hrs.

Monday, May 17

2.00 P.M.

Physics - Paper 1 (Theory)

3 hrs.

Tuesday, May 18

9.00 A.M.

Art Paper 3 (Drawing or Painting of a Living Person)

3 hrs.

Wednesday, May 19

2.00 P.M.


3 hrs.

Thursday, May 20

2.00 P.M.

Legal Studies

Mass Media & Communication

3 hrs.

3 hrs.

Friday, May 21

2.00 P.M.

Chemistry - Paper 1 (Theory)

3 hrs.


Saturday, May 22


2.00 P.M.

Home Science - Paper 1 (Theory) Electricity and Electronics Geometrical & Mechanical Drawing

Geometrical & Building Drawing

3 hrs.

3 hrs.

3 hrs.

3 hrs.

Monday, May 24

2.00 P.M.


3 hrs.

Tuesday, May 25

2.00 P.M.


3 hrs.

Thursday, May 27

2.00 P.M.


3 hrs.

Friday, May 28

2.00 P.M.


3 hrs.

Saturday, May 29

9.00 A.M.

Art Paper 2 (Drawing & Painting from Nature)

3 hrs.

Monday, May 31

2.00 P.M.

Environmental Science - Paper 1(Theory)

3 hrs.

Tuesday, June 1

2.00 P.M.

Indian Languages / Modern Foreign Languages/ Classical Languages

3 hrs.

Wednesday, June 2

9.00 A.M.

Art Paper 4 (Original Imaginative Composition in Colour)

3 hrs.

Thursday, June 3

2.00 P.M.

Computer Science - Paper 1 (Theory)

3 hrs.


Friday, June 4


2.00 P.M.

Indian Music - Hindustani - Paper 1 (Theory) Indian Music - Carnatic - Paper 1 (Theory) Fashion Designing - Paper 1 (Theory)

3 hrs.

3 hrs.

3 hrs.

Saturday, June 5

2.00 P.M.

Hospitality Management

3 hrs.

Monday, June 7

2.00 P.M.

Biology - Paper 1 (Theory)

3 hrs.

Wednesday, June 9

2.00 P.M.

Physical Education - Paper 1 (Theory)

3 hrs.

Friday, June 11

2.00 P.M.


3 hrs.

Monday, June 14

2.00 P.M.

Political Science

3 hrs.

Wednesday, June 16

2.00 P.M.


3 hrs.

Friday, June 18

2.00 P.M.

Business Studies

3 hrs.

*Download ISC Revised Time Table 2021 Here*

ICSE & ISC Examination 2021: Important Instructions for Students

 CISCE has issues certain guidelines along with the revised timetables. It is mandatory for the candidates appearing for the examinations to follow the instructions:

1. Be seated in the Examination Hall / Room five minutes before the time fixed for the start of the examination in the subject.

2. If an Examination Paper for which you are not entered is handed to you, or if the questions indicate that a map or any other stationery should also have been given to you, bring it to the attention of the Supervising Examiner at once.

3. Attend carefully to any general direction that may be given at the head of a paper, e.g. directions regarding number of questions that should be attempted, etc.

4. You are advised to answer only that number of questions as mentioned in the question paper.

5. On the top – sheet of the Standard Answer Booklet, you are to put your signature in the space provided for the purpose. Do NOT write or scribble anywhere else on the top-sheet.

6. Clearly write your Unique ID (Unique Identification Number), Index Number and Subject on the top-sheet of the Standard Answer Booklet in the space provided. This information should also be written on the front sheet of each continuation booklet used. If you are using loose maps, graph papers, etc. write this information on these also. All entries on the Answer Booklet are to be made with Black/Blue ball-point pen ONLY.

7. Write on both sides of each sheet of the answer booklet and leave a margin at both right-hand and left-hand edges. Begin the answer to each separate part of a question on a separate line.

8. Write the number of the question clearly in the left-hand margin at the beginning of each answer. Do not copy the question. Be careful to use the same system of numbering as that in the question paper. Leave a line after the answer to each question.

9. Remember that handwriting and spelling will be taken into account. You may use a fountain pen or a ball-point pen for writing your answers, but pencils may be used only for diagrams. Bring mathematical and drawing instruments and colour pencils for subjects for which they will be needed. The use of a simple electronic calculator is permitted.

10. In addition to the time indicated in the timetable for writing the paper, 15 minutes time is given for reading the questions.

11. Read the questions very carefully. Time should not be wasted in writing down information that is not asked for as no marks will be given for it.

12. Do not spend too much time on one or two questions so as to leave yourself no time to answer the others.

13. When the time allotted for writing the examination has concluded, arrange your answer scripts in sequential ORDER, THE FIRST PAGE AT THE TOP, etc. See that they have your Unique ID (Unique Identification Number), Index Number and Subject written on them. Fasten them together at the left-hand top corner and hand them over unfolded.

14. A candidate who arrives late will be required to give a satisfactory explanation and reason to the Supervising Examiner. Except in exceptional circumstances, a paper will not be given to any candidate who is more than half an hour late. Absolute punctuality is essential. Candidates are not allowed to leave the Examination Room before the conclusion of the paper.

15. Candidates must write on both sides of each sheet of the answer booklet unless the rubric of the question paper prohibits this.

*ICSE Class 10 and 12 Sample Papers 2021: Download Free PDF*
