ICSE, ISC 2021 Semester 1 Timetable Released @cisce.org; Check Subject-Wise Exam Dates Here

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, (CISCE) has officially issued the ICSE, ISC Semester 1 Timetable 2021 at the official website: cisce.org.

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, (CISCE) has issued the ICSE, ISC Semester 1 Timetable 2021 at the official website: cisce.org. 

As per the timetable released for ICSE Class 10 Board and ISC 2021, first semester exams will commence from November 15 and end on December 6, 2021. However, the first semester exams for ISC Board Class 12 will conclude on December 16, 2021. 

CICSE has also notified the ICSE students that exams will be conducted for a duration of 1 hour, except for a few subjects like Mathematics, and Hindi, and second language such as Bengali. Such exams will be conducted for a duration of one and a half hours. 

ICSE 2021: Semester 1 Exam Dates 

Students are advised to check the detailed ICSE 2021 Date Sheet as released by CISCE for the semester 1 exams.

Events Dates
English Language Paper I November 15, 2021
English Language Paper II November 16, 2021
Environmental Science  November 17, 2021 
HCG Paper I November 18, 2021 
Mathematics November 22, 2021
HCG Paper II N November 23, 2021
Hindi  November 25, 2021
Group III Elective November 26, 2021

ISC 2021: Semester 1 Exam Dates

CISCE has released the ISC 2021 Date Sheet along with the ICSE Date Sheet. It should be noted that the ISC semester 1 exam will be conducted for a duration of 1 hour 30 minutes. Further, the students will be given 15 more minutes of reading time.

ISC Class 12 Semester 1 Exam 2021: Important Dates

Events  Dates
English Literature November 15, 2021
English Language November 16, 2021
Indian Language or Classical Language November 17, 2021 
Psychology, Electricity and Electronics November 18 , 2021
Elective English and others November 20, 2021
Mathematics November 22, 2021
Business Studies November 23, 2021

Further, CISCE has released the plan of assessment for ISC Art students for the academic year 2021-22 on the CISCE website. Accordingly, arts exams will be conducted once only in February/March 2022, hence syllabus has not been bifurcated or reduced. 

Candidates can practice  ICSE, ISC 2021 sample papers. Additionally, the council has advised all appearing candidates to keep a track on the official website for the latest updates. 
