ICAI CA January 2021 Admit Card Released @icaiexams.icai.org; Download Here

Institute of Chartered Accountant (ICAI) has released the Admit Card for ICAI CA January 2021 admit card for Foundation, Inter and Final candidates on icaiexam.icai.org. Candidates can download the admit card online now. 

ICAI CA January 2021 Exams will be commencing from January 21, 2021. The conducting body has released the admit card for the eligible candidates on the website. All the candidates appearing for CA Exam are required to carry their admit card on the day of examination.

Institute of Chartered Accountant will be conducting the exams for CA Foundation, Final and Intermediate level students. Candidates can download the admit card from the link provided in the official website.

Read: ICAI CA Exam Time-Table for Jan-Feb 2021 Released; Check Exam Schedule

ICAI CA January Exam 2021: How to Download Admit Card?

Candidates can download the admit card by following the below steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website icaiexams.icai.org

Step 2: Click on the login icon in the homepage.

Step 3: Enter your login credentials.

Step 4: Click on the link to download admit card under Apply & Track your application

Step 5: The admit card will be displayed on the screen/

Step 6: Download it for future reference.

If any candidate is having issues to download the admit card or any error is there in the admit card, then they can:

  • Write at: examhelpline@icai.in or 
  • Contact the following toll free numbers: 0120 3054 - 851/ 852 / 853 / 854 / 835 and 0120 4953 - 751 / 752 / 753 / 754.

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