GBSHSE SSC Class 10 Result 2021 Released Today: Read the article to Know how to Check

Goa Board has released the GBSHSE SSC class 10 result 2021 on Monday, July 12 on its official website. As per the goa board reports, the GBSHSE SSC Class 10th results 2021 has been released at 5 pm following a press conference. 

Students can check GBSHSE SSC Class 10th results 2021 through the official website Earlier, the class 10 exams were cancelled due the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The students will now be assessed based on an internal assessment and objective criterion developed by the Goa board.

Students who are not satisfied with their GBSHSE SSC Class 10th results 2021 as per the internal assessment can appear for the re-exams which will be held later when the conditions are conducive to hold the exam. The exam may be conducted towards the end of July 2021. However, the students will be notified 15-day prior to the examination.

GBSHSE SSC Class 10 Result 2021: How to Check? 

Students can go through the steps below to check the GBSHSE SSC Class 10th Results 2021. 

  • Step 1: Visit the official GBSHSE website- 
  • Step 2: On the homepage, click on the 'SSC Class 10 result' link available 
  • Step 3: Enter the log-in credentials- registration number/ roll number 
  • Step 4: It will redirect you to a new page where the Class 10 result will appear on the screen 
  • Step 5: Finally, download, take a printout for further reference. 

Almost 20,000 students had registered for the Goa board SSC Class 10th exam this year. Meanwhile, the class 10th results 2021 will be available to download at the GBSHSE website- 
