CCMT Admission Procedure 2015 in NITs for M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan Notification

CCMT 2015 Admission Procedure:

The admission process has the following five stages:

  1. Online Registration, Choice Filling and Locking of Choices
  2. Online Seat Allotment
  3. Payment of Part Institute Fee
  4. Report to Reporting Centre After Paying the Part Institute Fee
  5. Payment of Balance Institute Fee and Joining in the Allotted Institute.

1. Online Registration, Choice Filling and Locking of choices:

In this step, all eligible candidates (on the basis of GATE 2014 or 2015 results) are required to register online through Internet on from any Help Centers has been made at most of the Participating Institutes and some metro cities for guiding the candidates. During this stage, all the registered candidates are required to exercise their choices of programmes and Institutes in order of their preference. The detailed procedure is as follows:

  • As per the eligibility of the candidate, available programmes related to Institute and Department will be displayed on the website. In some cases candidates do not check all eligible conditions for such cases he/she will be responsible.
  • Candidate can fill in as many choices in the order of preference as she/he wishes from the list of available programmes.
  • Candidates can change or re-order their choices, delete earlier choices and add new choices any times until they lock their final choices. Choices should be positively locked by the closing date given.
  • If a candidate does not fill even a single choice before the last date of registration, she/he will not be allowed to participate in the counselling process.
  • If a candidate does not register, she/he cannot participate in any round of the counselling process including National Spot Round (NSR).

Note:  Candidates are advised that they should read the 'Registration Guidelines', which details the procedure to be followed. Only after reading 'Registration Guidelines', they should proceed to do the actual registration and choice filling/locking of choices.

2. Online Seat Allotment


In this step, seats will be allotted to the candidates according to choice submitted and merit on the basis of the locked choices. Candidates can check their allotment result on the CCMT website  No Individual allotment letters will be sent to the candidates.

  • Now the candidates are required to take a printout of the allotment details which has to be produced at the time of reporting.
  • Candidates who are allotted seats will have to personally report to any one of the Reporting Center as per the schedule given.

Seat Allotment Procedure

Seat allotment will be done in several rounds as given below:

  • In the first round, all the available seats will be allotted and the result indicating the allotted Participating Institutes with the Specialization will be available on the website.
  • In the second and third rounds, seats will be allotted against the available vacancies in the respective rounds, and the results will be available on the web site.
  • In second and third rounds, if a candidate is allotted his/her higher preference, her/his earlier allotted seat would be available for allotment to subsequent candidates.
  • In the second and third rounds, no fresh choice filling will be permitted and registered candidates will not be allowed to alter or resubmit their choices.

Withdrawal from Allotment Process

If a candidate wishes to cancel his/her allotment, the candidate should report to the same RC in which candidate has reported earlier.

  • The candidate should deposit the provisional allotment letter and proof of fee payment / DVN with cancellation application during the reporting period of first three rounds.
  • After cancellation the allotted seat, the candidate cannot participate in further rounds of counseling process.
  • If a candidate cancels his/her allotted seat after taking final admission, she/he has to get the refund from the same institute in which he has taken admission.
  • The refund would be as per the norms of the admitted Participating Institute.

Cancellation due to non‐fulfillment of Essential Requirements

  • If a candidate does not fulfill the minimum educational qualifications prescribed his/her allotted seat shall be automatically cancelled and such candidate will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent rounds, if any.
  • Candidates for whom the result of qualifying degree is awaited may take part in the counselling process; however they would have to compulsorily produce the result of their qualifying degree and should fulfill minimum educational qualifications latest by 15th September 2015, failing which their admission would automatically stand cancelled.
  • If any provisionally admitted student (whose result is awaited) will not be able to submit her/his qualifying degree certificate and mark-sheets by the last date 15th September 2015, her/his full fee will be forfeited by the concerned Institute.
  • If a candidate fails to produce appropriate category certificates her/his allotment will stand cancelled. However, in such cases, if eligible, she/he may be considered for allotment in further rounds, as per their changed category.
  • If a candidate is unable to produce her/his Date of Birth certificate, her/his seat allotment would stand cancelled and she/he would not be permitted in subsequent rounds. No change in Date of Birth would be permitted after the application has been locked.

3. Payment of part Institute fee:

Part of Institute fee of ­20,000/- has to be paid using (Net banking/debit or credit card) or local bank (NEFT) before reporting at the reporting center. No other modes are permitted.

  • The candidate will have to pay the fee first
  • then go to RC along with provisional allotment letter downloaded from the CCMT website as a proof of fee payment and the relevant documents

4. Report to Registration Centre (RC) after paying the Part Institute fee:

Candidates, who get a seat for the first time in any of the first three rounds, they must report to any RC within the scheduled dates of that specific round for document verification and for giving option. Generally, the reporting time for all the Reporting Centers is 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM.

5. Paying balance institute fee and Joining in the allotted institute:

Candidates will complete the provisional admission process after paying balance Institute fees through (Net-banking/Credit card/Debit card) or local bank (through NEFT) during the period.

Provisional admission letter will be generated from CCMT website after one day of balance fee payment but before the last date. Candidates have to go to the allotted Institute with original documents, DVN signed by RC officials for final admission and attending classes as per the academic calendar of the Institute.



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