EmergE 2022: IIM Shillong hosts annual entrepreneurship summit

New Delhi: Indian Institute of Management, Shillong has concluded the annual "EmergE 2022" entrepreneurship conference on October 29 and 30. The event's chief guest was Shivansh Awasthi, the officer in charge of PRIME-hub Meghalaya.

Professor Sanjoy Mukherjee, IIM Shillong, delivered a brief introductory speech during the occasion on the seven mantras that every aspiring entrepreneur should adhere to in order to succeed. In his remarks, Professor Rohit Dwivedi of IIM Shillong emphasised the need for fresh perspectives on start-ups.

Anuj Sharma, the founder of ALSiSAR Impact, Santosh Ram Somasundaram, the co-founder of BrightBlu, Flo Oberhofer, the programme leader of PRIME Meghalaya, and Avelo Roy, the managing director of Kolkata Ventures, kicked off the panel discussion. During a panel discussion on "Channeling Entrepreneurship," it was brought up how important long-term social enterprises are to the Indian economy.

All of them discussed their individual entrepreneurial experiences. They also discussed how to establish a business, how to discover interests, what products could be sold, what problems the idea could address, how to assemble a group of investors and co-founders, and other topics. Discussions on issues like privilege vs. intelligence, equity and equality, and the social responsibilities of aspiring entrepreneurs took place at the summit.

Sharath Loganathan, co-founder of Ninjacart, and Avelo Roy, managing director of Kolkata Ventures, talked about how having a vision is not enough; logistics and technology are equally crucial.

The two-day conference not only benefited students by allowing them to benefit from the knowledge of others, but it also gave investors and entrepreneurs the chance to network and advance the broader goal of growing the start-up culture in India. To assist aspiring student entrepreneurs, initiatives should be launched to promote entrepreneurship and impart entrepreneurial skills.

Participants from leading B-Schools had the opportunity to experience what it was like to be an investor and an entrepreneur on the second day of EmergE, which helped them better understand the challenges and context of entrepreneurial decisions.

Students and prospective emerging entrepreneurs enthusiastically participated in the event, which contributed to its success and allowed them to pitch their ideas to investors and gain knowledge from the expertise of business professionals. About 25 artists performed a variety of northern Indian folk styles at a significant cultural event that was organised by the Tyngkai Cultural and Welfare Organization.

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