What are the Qualities of a Good Neighbour - TOEFL Writing Samples for Independent Writing

TOEFL writing consists of two tasks Independent and Integrated. This TOEFL writing sample  – What are the qualities of a good neighbor? is an Independent task. TOEFL independent writing task helps the candidates to measure their English writing skills through an essay. Daily practicing gets easy with TOEFL writing practice papers as it provides a wide range of sample questions.

Topic: What are the qualities of a good neighbor?

Model Answer 1

The locality of your house doesn’t matter if you have good neighbors. Having friendly and helpful neighbors is a blessing. In a world where everyone is busy in their own lives, neighbors play an important role in making your life easier. They are like your second family. There are various activities that good neighbors can do together such as go on a picnic, get together for coffee, go for a morning walk, hiking and many more. These activities help to build a strong bond with each other. But not every neighbor is a good one. You have got to differentiate between a good and a bad neighbor. Here are a few things that could help you identify whether your neighbor is good or not.

Good neighbors never gossip. And if they gossip about others, then count yourself in their gossip list too because they would do the same about you with other neighbors. Do not let this gossip affect your sanity. So next time your neighbor gossips with you don’t be a part of it. You can always change the conversation.

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A good neighbor would genuinely want to help you. They would never make excuses when you need any kind of help. They would be the first person to stand in your needs. Good neighbors are always respectful towards your property. They will always take your permission while doing something that interferes with your property. For instance, If they want to put up a fence between your houses they will let you know first.

Good neighbors know their boundaries. They know that being neighbors doesn’t mean violating each other's personal space. A good neighbor is understanding. Even if your child runs over their lawn, they will understand that children are careless and tend to make such mistakes. They will realize that sometimes things can happen unintentionally and it is not ideal to make a big deal about little things. A good neighbor can really make a big difference in your life. So appreciate it if you have good neighbors.

Model Answer 2

From the very start, people living in society preferred to live in small groups that made it easier to face any kind of problems. Neighbors are an important part of our daily lives. The first and foremost quality of a good neighbor is their friendly nature, secondly, they are well-mannered, and lastly, they make you feel like your own family. If you have such neighbors, consider yourself lucky. You must know that it takes two to tango. So before you expect others to be good neighbors you must become a good neighbor yourself first.

You don’t have to go all out to become a good neighbor, just a smile can do the work. You do not have to be best friends with them but whenever you meet them greet them with kindness. Unfriendliness can really make the whole environment a bit awkward to live in. So remain friendly with even not-so-friendly neighbors.

If your neighbor does something good for you, you return the favor by doing something nice too. For instance, if they bring cookies for you as a gesture of goodwill, send them a handmade pie with a thank you note as a sign of appreciation. What you give is what you get. So spread kindness in order to receive it.

Be welcoming and communicative. Many neighborhoods have some sort of groups where you can connect with each other. If your neighborhood doesn’t have that you could be the initiator of it. You can arrange a get-together or a high tea for a more neighborly involvement.

However, do not go overboard with things. Always be respectful of each other’s privacy. Not everyone likes to be involved and socialize so try not to invade their personal space. Communication is the key, be there when any of your neighbors have some problem or want to talk. Always offer a helping hand when you see them in need. After all, your neighbors are your second family.


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