Travel With A Companion vs. Travel Alone - TOEFL Writing Samples for Independent Writing

TOEFL independent writing is an around 300-word essay required to be completed in 30 minutes. The purpose of the TOEFL independent writing task is to measure the English proficiency of students. This topic talks about the preference of traveling with a companion vs. traveling alone. Similar topics are available in TOEFL writing papers for candidates for daily practice.

Topic: Travel with a companion Vs. travel alone

Model Answer 1:

Nowadays the travel industry is greater than ever, and everybody has their own preferred travel style. I think it's a truly amazing idea to go with a companion. Going out traveling with a friend is more affordable than traveling alone. Because leisure travel is getting increasingly famous, the hospitality industry has raised its costs to cosmic levels.

Also, it is more prudent to go with a companion. Money is a major issue. While traveling, you have numerous things you should do aside from seeing the marvelous scene. For example, booking hotels and purchasing tickets. Discounts for solo tourists are genuinely unusual these days, so staying in a shared space while traveling is an effective method to reduce expenses. In addition, travelers traveling with their companions can better obtain package discounts on tickets, tours, and various activities.

Therefore, having a travel companion is beneficial in light of the fact that you can get a good deal on transportation, facilities, and tickets. My own experience is convincing proof of this. When my partner and I traveled to Andaman last year, we had the opportunity to rent a house at a very affordable price. Throughout our month-long vacation, we saved a few hundred dollars along these lines. Since we saved a lot of money, we had the option to change our arrangements and expand our trip for nearly a whole week. if we had not taken this trip together, we would not have had the option to do that. And that is why I definitely prefer to travel with a companion rather than alone.

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Model Answer 2:

Traveling is a great adventure that satisfies the soul. While many people prefer to travel alone by contending that their trip will be more pleasant as they can do whatever that they want to, I still think that traveling with friends or a companion is better. Despite the fact that there might be more benefits to traveling alone, I believe that going with companions is more convenient. In any case, you can make the journey simple. Traveling is not very simple. For instance, you need to discover many things such as hotels, transportation tools, and restaurants. All these can be really hectic if being done by a single person. Friends can average these responsibilities so that such things won't trouble everybody much.

While traveling a lot of mishaps can happen such as you could get sick, get lost, or miss the morning flight. It is hard for people to deal with these circumstances without anyone else particularly when they travel to an unknown place. Friends can give you a hand to conquer all these travel struggles. Also, the cost per individual for a vacation will be reduced when more people join the trip. This is because a similar rate of charge will be divided between the groups. For instance, when renting a vehicle, a person in a four p[eople group will need to pay just a fourth of the renting cost. Different costs like hotel rental, food cost, and surprisingly some ticket costs are additionally lower when bought by a group.

Moreover, you create a lot of memories while traveling with friends. With friends, everything is a lot more fun. be it just sitting in a car and listening to songs, chatting with friends, playing silly games, and many more such fun things. Hence I would always prefer to travel with a group or a companion.


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