Should People Do Things That They Do Not Like? - TOEFL Writing Samples for Independent Writing

TOEFL independent writing task tests the writing skills of the candidates through an essay with a duration of 30 minutes. This TOEFL independent writing sample talks about whether people should do things they don’t like. There are numerous topics in TOEFL writing practice papers for candidates to practice from.

Topic: Should people do things that they do not like?

Model Answer 1:

Most people have come across this topic once in their life. Every kind of person has once in their life questioned themselves on doing a thing that they don’t find interest in. Be it an optimistic or pessimistic person, the question of doing something they don’t like is very prevalent. There are many factors adding to the thought of pursuing something that you don’t like. For some, it is not right and is against their principle. Whereas for others, it is good to have some changes in their life.

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I am of the opinion that we should pursue certain things sometimes that we do not like doing. The foremost reason being, it provides us with that adrenaline rush that we often find missing in our general lives. Even if we go to the office or do our household chores every day, there comes a time when we find engaging in them highly monotonous. We watch videos of people pursuing different activities and wish to do the same. But simultaneously, we do not like getting out of our comfort zone. It is very crucial to give ourselves the challenge to come out of that reassuring state and indulge in an activity that we have been averting.

Displeasure often results in victories. I am a person who doesn’t get into exercising or into fitness. I never liked going to the gym for exercising and preferred yoga. But I am a travel buff, and last year we planned to trek in the North Bengal region. I had to join the gym to train for trekking. This resulted in me pursuing the activity I don’t like but seeking the desire I have been wanting to for a long time. This is very similar to people not wanting to work out because they don’t want to get out of their comfort zone or they procrastinate. But on the continuation of their workout for just a few weeks or months, they will be amazed to see the change in their body.

It can be stated that it is not always interesting and blissful to pursue things you don’t like. But it sometimes offers you a fruitful result that you can cherish. Similar to the instance I shared, there are many more activities that people don’t feel like doing but on completion gives them immense satisfaction.

Model Answer 2:

There are many people out there who don’t relish pursuing something they don’t like. This is evident for most people and their mindset. But many people convince themselves to do certain activities they don’t like only to be flexible and gain perseverance. There can be many times when people need to perform activities going out of their contentment zone. It may be activities that will help people and serve the needy.

Let us understand this with a very interesting example. A girl who is in her junior school enrolls herself in a dance class after her school hours. Our parents tend to put their children in some sort of extracurricular activities like singing, dancing, karate, painting, and more. But a very few of them end up pursuing a career out of it, and in many cases, the child doesn’t even like it. So the girl who was enrolled in a dance class by her mother didn’t enjoy it initially. After a few years she was asked by her teacher if she would like to perform nationally because she was performing exceptionally well. It is then that she realized her passion for dancing. She immediately answered the question in affirmation. She went on performing internationally and today she is a professional dancer and choreographer. It is through pursuing an activity that she didn’t like, that she got to become so successful.

The other thing is, it will be helpful for people to try on different things to understand what they really like. In our childhood, we learn different kinds of things, and it is through those things that we understand where our interest lies. When growing up, we do certain things that we don’t like but simultaneously it teaches us the way to be adaptable to everything.


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