Should A New Movie Theater Be Built In Your Neighborhood? - TOEFL Writing Samples for Independent Writing

TOEFL independent writing task examines the writing proficiency of candidates through an essay. Candidates are required to write the essay by providing their personal experiences or opinions. This TOEFL independent writing sample talks about the construction of a movie theatre in the neighborhood. Candidates will find similar topics in TOEFL writing practice papers.

Topic: Should a new movie theater be built in your neighborhood?

Model Answer 1:

Numerous decisions revolve around the proposal of the construction of a movie theater. Each person has their own subjective opinion, but according to me, the construction of a movie theater will result in some issues. The structure would result in traffic congestion, noise pollution, parking issues, and more. But at the same time, the construction can be done following other schemes so as to boost it.

Our place is quite far away from the main city and this has resulted in most of the people traveling real far to fetch certain things or even watch a movie. It is pretty anticipated that after a week full of hard work, most people would want to enjoy their weekends. Unfortunately, the movie theater lies at around 2 hours away and that makes it unfavorable for many people to reach at. Though satellite TVs and digital cable are accessible, that doesn’t provide the thrill received from movie theaters. Therefore, like many other people in my town, I also support the idea of constructing a movie theatre.

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The development of the movie theater will simultaneously accompany new jobs. It is quite obvious that the new movie theater will hire new people to run the place. In return, many unemployed people will get a job and earn their livelihood. It will slowly eradicate the economic depression affecting our region. Additionally, along with the movie theater, restaurants, cafes, shopping centers will also open, enabling people to shop or eat before or after watching movies.

Movie theaters will also result in people socializing more. It will also result in the elimination of watching futile television shows. Therefore, to conclude, developing a movie theater is a positive decision taken by the government.

Model Answer 2:

Many people, especially middle-aged people, consider the construction of a movie theater a waste of money. But I am totally in favor of the proposal of constructing a movie theater. A movie theatre will result in many people getting employed, earning a certain amount of money, reduction of teenage delinquency, and also socializing.

In today’s time, most people are indulged in endless hours of work during the weekdays. The weekend is the only time when they get time to relish, and a movie theatre will help them get some entertainment. Our town is a very old-school one, parks, theatres, cafes, pubs cannot be found here. Most people drive around an hour to reach a movie theater, and that is inconvenient for maximum people. What if a movie ends at 11 pm? It is not possible for many people to get any public transport to reach back home. The development of the movie theater will also result in an increase in public transport connecting people to and from the movie theater.

The construction of a movie theater will also end the delinquencies of teenagers. It is obvious that teenagers get extremely bored by only studying at school and coaching. Since there are no parks present, they get extremely bored during the weekends. The movie theater will help them find some happiness and relax. Some can even work part-time while attending colleges and earn some extra money to finance their education.

This development of the movie theater will result in the booming of the economic sector as well. With the movie theatre will come restaurants, cafes, public transportation, and more. There will be people from other towns visiting our town to watch movies. To accommodate the same, the government has to build new roads, create parking spaces, and that will instantly add to the economic prosperity. Therefore, it can be concluded that the construction of a movie theater is a good decision.


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