Important Qualities of a Good Supervisor - TOEFL Writing Samples For Independent Writing

The TOEFL independent writing tasks’ tips and practices help the candidates prepare for the TOEFL test and university study. Candidates can learn and improve their English writing skills with TOEFL writing practice papers. This particular TOEFL topic discusses the important qualities of a good supervisor.

Topic: Important qualities of a good supervisor

Model Answer 1

The supervisor plays a significant role in the central structure of the organization. Being a boss is not easy. With the higher position comes a lot of responsibilities. If I was working as an employee I would expect to work under someone who has certain characteristics. Such as the supervisor should have a positive attitude, friendly personality, who motivates the employees to do good work, and appreciate them. There should be good bonding between the employees and employers. In this essay, I will further illustrate these qualities.

I think that if the working environment is positive then work doesn’t feel like work. And almost all people spend most of their day at their respective jobs. So it becomes easier to work if the boss has a positive attitude towards everything. There are times when things don’t work as planned. And a good supervisor would try to find out the solutions instead of getting frustrated and blaming employees. One of the important characteristics of a good supervisor is to have a friendly bonding with the employees. It helps the employees to place their opinion in front of the boss unhesitantly. A boss should have good communication with employees.

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A little motivation goes a long way. In order to have a healthy work environment, a good supervisor must be motivating and appreciative. For example, if an employee has done a great job or completed the target before the deadline. A supervisor must appreciate the employee and motivate him/her to keep up the good work. Additionally, the supervisor could offer some reward or gift voucher to the employee. This would definitely motivate the employees to work harder and they will do the work with more excitement and energy.

In conclusion, a good supervisor must have all the above-mentioned qualities as he has a team to lead. And without these, he/she cannot be a good leader.

Model Answer 2

There are many important qualities that a good supervisor or boss should have. Supervising skills are essential as they set the quality of a workplace. If someone is a good supervisor, it gets easy for them to perform their responsibilities more effectively. According to my view, the first and foremost quality of a good supervisor is that he should be a leader, not a boss. He should be a great leader who can lead the employees in the right direction. The supervisor should smartly divide the work among the employees depending on their skills and talent. This will increase the productivity of the company. A good leader always considers minute details that may affect the efficiency and credibility of the company. A good leader should have the understanding of taking the right decisions at the right time. He should know the correct use of the power assigned to him.

Secondly, I believe that a good leader should also be a good communicator. Without communication, there will be no bonding between the employees and the employer.

A good supervisor should be capable of openly expressing expectations, processes, and objects to the team so they can do their jobs efficiently, which will also exhibit boldness on their appearance. Keeping the employees regularly informed about the team’s improvement, potential complications, and future plans will make every team member feel involved and considered.

Furthermore, a supervisor must hold responsibility for everything. A supervisor should be a team player. Must treat employees like equal team members rather than subordinates. A team-oriented strategy makes the workplace more positive and productive.

For example, If a dispute occurs, the supervisor must stay confident and firm in the respected role and also remain unbiased and honest. Every team member should feel involved and valued.

Lastly, A good supervisor requires many qualities to lead the team efficiently. Having a good supervisor can make a huge difference in the workplace.


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