Delhi University Released DU 7th Cut-off for UG Courses Today (Dec 5), Check Details Here

The University of Delhi has released the DU seventh cut off 2020 for undergraduate programmes today (December 5) in online mode on its official website - The DU 7th cut off 2020 for UG courses will be released separately by respective DU affiliated institutes at different times.

Following the release of the DU 7th cut off 2020 by all participating colleges, Delhi University will release a consolidated cut off for science, BA, arts and commerce programmes offered by the participating colleges

Candidates who are interested and eligible in applying for admission against the DU 7th cut off list 2020 from December 7 (10 am) to December 9 (5 pm). Only candidates who have scored equal or more marks than the DU 7th cut-off 2020 will be eligible for admission.

DU 7th Cut Off 2020: Gargi College

Gargi College has released the DU 7th Cut Off 2020 on December 5. Candidates can check the detailed Cutoff here:

S. No. Courses Offered (UG Merit Based) General OBC SC ST PwD EWS KM
1 B.A. (Hons.) Ap. Psy. Closed Closed 94 91 90.25 95 Closed
2 B.A. (Hons.) Eco. Closed Closed 84.5 75 80 90.5 85
3 B.A. (Hons.) English 95.5 91.5 Closed Closed Closed 89 90
4 B.A. (Hons.) Hindi Closed 70 Closed 64 68 72 65
5 B.A. (Hons.) History Closed 91.75 Closed Closed 82 87 83
6 B.A. (Hons.) Philo. Closed Closed Closed 79 80 85 80
7 B.A. (Hons.) Pol. Sc. Closed 93 Closed 90.5 86 88 86
8 B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit Closed Closed Closed 45 45 45 45
9 B.Com. (Prog) 95 Closed Closed 74 79 87 85
10 B.Com. (Hons.) 95.75 Closed 86 75 80 92.75 88
11 B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany 90.33 83.33 76 72 Closed 82 78
12 B.Sc. (Hons.) Chem. Closed Closed 84 73 79 90 85
13 B.Sc. (Hons.) Math Closed 93 Closed 83.5 80 92.25 85
14 B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro. Closed Closed Closed Closed 83 85 Closed
15 B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics 95 Closed 82 72 79 86 85
16 B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology Closed 86.66 81 75 Closed 82 Closed
17 B.Sc. (Prog.) Life Sc. Closed 83.66 75 67 Closed 79 79
18 B.Sc. (Prog.) Phy. Sc. Closed 82 70 60 64 80 79
19 English + Philosophy Closed 89 85 86 85 87 88
20 English + Psychology Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
21 Hindi + History Closed 87.5 86.5 Closed Closed 86 Closed
22 Hindi + Pol. Science Closed 88 Closed 84 Closed 86 86
23 German + History Closed 84 81 80 83 83 82
24 German + Pol Science Closed 85.5 82.5 83 84 84.5 Closed
25 Comp. Appl. + Eco. Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
26 Comp. Appl. + ESB Closed 84 82 82 84 84 83
27 Comp. Appl. + Math. Closed 88.5 85 86 85 89 86
28 Eco. + ESB Closed 88 86 85 86 88 84
29 Eco + Pol. Science Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
30 Eco + Psychology Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
31 ESB Math. Closed 86.5 81.5 81.5 84 84.5 85
32 History + Philosophy Closed 88 84 83 85 87 85
33 History + Pol. Science Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
34 Philo. + Pol. Science Closed Closed Closed 85 Closed 89 Closed
35 Philo. + Psychology Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
36 English + German Closed 87 84 83 84 87 88
37 English + History Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
38 Eco. + Math. Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

DU 7th Cut Off 2020: Zakir Hussain College

Zakir Hussain College has now released the most awaited DU 7th Cut Off 2020 on December 5. Candidates can check the detailed Cutoff list here:

DU 7th Cutoff 2020: Consolidated Cutoff Released 

DU has released the Consolidated Cutoff for its affiliated colleges at the official website. The DU Cut off has been released for Arts and Commerce, Science and BA Program Courses separately.

BA programme Check here
Arts and Commerce
Check here
Science Check here

Check: Delhi University Admission 2020

It is to be noted that the online facility to pay the admission fee against the DU 2020 7th cut-off will be available till December 11 (11:59 pm).

Previously, DU had released the DU NCWEB special cut off 2020, and DU 2020 sixth cut off December 3, and November 28 respectively.

As per official reports, Delhi University and its affiliated colleges are offering a total of 69,544 seats to eligible candidates in various undergraduate programmes. Of the total 69,554 UG seats, 66,263 are regular seats, whereas 3291 are supernumerary, including 1216 ECA quota and 2075 sports quota seats.

Check: DU Cut Off 2020
